here comes the bride 🥺

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Craig's Point of View-

As Kenny walks down the aisle, in his navy blue suit, a tear rolls down my face. He looks so beautiful and calm. His hair bouncing with the wind and his face highlighted by the hot american sun. Our daughter Clementine follows behind, throwing flowers and grasping at her fathers hand from time to time. This is the happy life Kenny deserves. I'm so glad i met him. He finally reaches me at the top of the aisle and we embrace. Clementine runs to me and tugs at my suit pants , smiling at me devilishly. We say our vows and finish the ceremony with a loving kiss. Time slows for a second and in this space of time, i feel like we're in high school again. It feels like that same night that my parents argued and i snuck out. The night he kissed me and proved to me that there was more than just pain and suffering in the world. He lit up my life like a star in the night sky and i don't ever want to let him go.

We adopted two more kids, two twin girls. We named them Star and Connie. Clementine loves having younger sisters, she says it's her responsibility to look after them and make them pretty. The girls are hard work but we  love them to death, it's so relieving to be free of all the stress in our lives, i was free of my depression once we moved and everything was so much better.

We decided New York was too loud for the girls, Clem seemed quite sad though. She claims that she'll be an actress there one day and we don't doubt her for a second. We moved out to Florida and got a 4 bedroom house with yellow walls and porch so big that it could practically be bigger than our apartment. The girls all wanted pink rooms except star, who ironically wanted a night sky painted on her wall. Life moved on and everything was so happy .


We're sat in an auditorium, silently looking around as they announce the winner for best actress at the Tony awards. "and the winner is... Clementine Tucker!" she won. The room erupts with applause. I've never been so proud of her. "I can't believe i got this award. It's so amazing. I would like to thank my parents, my little sisters, my producers just everyone i work with. Being apart of something doesn't make you special, something is special because you are apart of it!" everything feels so right.

and this is where our story comes to an end. Me and Kenny are happily married and waiting on grandchildren, Clementine is a world renowned actress, in many films and soon enough broadway! Star is a genius and on her way to high school and Connie is an athlete, we're not sure how considering none of us are any good at it but she's absolutely amazing at it. We all love each other and nothing can come between it. Kenny is the love of my life, and it's all thanks to that one faithful night. That night where it was only us.

- The End -

you guys were literally gonna KILL ME. if i ended it there, this ending feels right though. In this ending, Kenny never got sick, Butters never escaped, Craig got better and never killed his daughter! This ending is so wholesome and pure, i just love it! I have another book out called, "Two player game" if you want to read more of my work! thank you for reading. it's truly the end now 🥺 i love this book more than i love myself and i am so proud of it. thank you for reading! i love you guys

- Leiane ❤️

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