Rebelious Behaviour 😦

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Butters Point of View-

I'm gonna rip him limb for limb! I'm gonna slit his throat and watch him gasp for air. I can't believe he stole Kenny from me! Ill just follow in Tweek's footsteps, i'll kidnap both of them and make Kenny choose between us. He can only love me.

Craig's Point of View-

"Kenny? Can i ask you something?" i say gently, i'm not sure if he's sleeping.  I have a plan and he'll probably hate it but that's alright . As long as he's happy, i'm happy. "Of course you can." he says softly in return. I love it when he's gentle with me, it makes me feel secure and like i know. "Can we runaway together?" I say. I know it's stupid but it feels like it's time for me and him to start with a blank slate. "Like now? I would love to." "Should we go now? Just run away and never look back?" I say, I was generally serious about the offer. He sits up and looks at me and nods his head. This is it. Our final ticket out of here. "Yes! Let's do it! No more Butters, No more Tweek. Let's leave forever." He hugs me tightly and gets up. "Pack a bag, I have a car at my parents house, they bought me it when i turned 18 for when i got out of prison. I can grab some stuff and the money i have stored away and we can just go" I see Kenny buzzing with excitement. He runs to his closet and bends down, pulling a grate from the back of his closet? He grabs out a steel safe, the size of a small tv. I watch him intensely as he turns the knob on the door. It opens and he pulls out four wars of cash. "There's ten thousand dollars here. I've been saving up since that night we met and kissed. Let's rock and roll Tucker." he winks at me and stuffs the money in an old rucksack. This feels like the old days, where our only worries were that we were late for school. Kenny finishes up packing his bag and smiles at me softly. I grab it for him and grab my phone and we run out of his apartment. We hold hands and run. We get halfway to my house when we hear a scream. "Fucking stop right there or i'll blow your brains out!" We slowly turn to see Butters facing us and pointing a gun to us. Hes about 2 meters away and shaking profusely. "Butters calm down!" I shout, this shouldn't be happening. "This wasn't apart of the plan! You were supposed to be in prison or DEAD. Kenny was supposed to be mine! You ruined it all!" I look over at Kenny and see him voice recording what Butters is saying. He puts his phones slowly in his pocket. Clever bastard. "I knew i should of planted more evidence at the crime scene, that way you would still be in prison. Why didn't that hitman kill you while you were there?!" Wait? Hitman? "Butters what are you talking about?" Kenny says, i'm guessing he's as shocked as i am. "I hired a fucking hitman to take you out in Prison? Yet you're still fucking here. I guess i'll have to finish off what i started." He edges closer to me and Kenny.  "Butters put down the gun and i'll go with you." Kenny states calmly. "WHAT NO!" He looks at me and signals to be quiet. He's planning something. "I'll put down the gun. But you have to come with me. Deal?" "Fine, just let me say goodbye" Kennys really putting on an act. He hands me the cellphone, still recording every detail. He gets close and whispers "Stop the recording and call the police, tell them to get here asap! I love you." He kisses my cheek and slowly walks towards Butters. I dial 999 and whisper down the phone line. They say that they'll be there pronto. I need to stall Butters somehow. "YOURE A FUCKING PYSCHO YKNOW THAT?"  I yell at him. He edges around and glares at me with wide eyes. He looks like a tiger who's about to pounce. "What did you just say?" He says, i didn't dare repeat it. He looks me dead in the eyes, gun directly pointing between my eyes. "I'll rip you limb from limb! I'll rip off your head and store it on my wall you filthy animal! I'll fucking kill you and write my name with your BLOOD." He keeps going on until the police arrive yet he doesn't seem to notice. The officer taps him on the shoulder. "Butters Stotch? You're under arrest for attempted murder and accomplice to murder. You're coming with us." We showed them all of our proof and they took him away. We were finally free from the pain they had caused. We could escape and live freely.

hey guys! thank you for reading. this chapter was a little longer. i think we're nearing the end, i'm glad tbh because we can finally write new things! i might write a horror book soon so stay tuned :) As always give me an indication of whether or not you liked it!! I love you guys 🥺

- Leiane 🪐

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