Chapter 5 Girlfriend Phil's POV

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When I wake up, I realize that it is well after midnight and Dan is asleep next to me. He is snoring and half of him is falling off the couch. It is actually quite funny. Then again, after last night's ordeal, I feel like Dan's trying to impress me or something. I do kind of like him, but that's only because I have known him for so long and we know everything about each other. After pondering this thought for a while, I decide to get a girlfriend to show Dan that I have no love feelings towards him.
Dan's POV
When I wake up, Phil is nowhere to be seen. I start to worry, because we always know where the other person is. My mind starts to go to dark places, wondering if he has been kidnapped (manapped?) or hit by a car. I run/walk/fall to the kitchen and find a note there. It states:
"Dear Dan, I am going out for a while, I need get some space. No hard feelings, Phil"
Why would I have hard feelings towards him? I am a little pissed that he went out and didn't tell me, but he did leave a note and sometimes I do that myself. I decide to make some burnt pancakes and wait for Phil to come home.
Phil's POV
I am walking around town when I come across a store with Dr. Who, Sherlock, and Death Note stuff. I feel drawn to the store, I mean, it has all the stuff I like! How could I not go in! After browsing for a while, I finally decide on a Dr. Who jumper to add to my weird jumper collection. The jumper is patterned with rainbow Tardises, and it is horridly ugly. I love it. When I walk up to buy it, I am taken aback. The cashier is a beautiful girl who looks about my age. I walk up to her, she asks if I like Dr. Who, and our conversation starts.
Dan's POV
Where the hell is Phil!?!? It is now ten o'clock an he is STILL not home!!!!!! I am super pissed because we had a video planned for today!!! Okay, I better calm down. I'm sure Phil got caught up in fans or stores, I shouldn't be this mad. I start to relax when I hear the door open. I yell to Phil to come in and tell me where he was and what he did. He walks into the lounge with a beautiful girl on his arm, and suddenly I don't want to know the answers.

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