Chapter 24. Truth and Lies

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Sorry for the very late update, guys. Now here's a short backtrack of the previous chapters in case you have lost track:

Nicky's birthday had been crazy and really special. But for Lauren, it came out more like a nightmare, especially after learning that Nicky didn't remember about what had transpired that night - the kiss they shared and the words that came out of his mouth. Lauren was beyond hurt, thinking that it all meant nothing to Nicky and that it was the alchohol that had taken over him. But why was she hurt? No idea. She's confused and afraid at the same time.

When Westlife went to Belfast, she met the girl whom they saw back at St. Stephen's Green in Dublin. Her name is Vogue. They had a small heated conversation that got Lauren thinking. Now she's left with a thousand questions in her head. Who is Nicky to her? Just a friend or more than that? There's too much to think about and all she could do is fake her feelings and pretend that everything's OK. But for how long she could keep lying to herself?


Chapter 24. Truth and Lies

"Have you seen the papers this morning?"

Mark takes a sip at his tea and looks up at Kian. "Why?"

Rolling his eyes, Kian chucks the newspaper at Mark, hitting him in the face. "The fvcktards clearly don't have any better rumors to make up, we're on the frontpage!" Kian says in disgust, hands waving about madly.

"So what's the fuss about--" Mark cuts off his sentence as soon as his eyes land on the frontpage. "No way! What is this all about? This is absolutely bullocks."

"Yeah? Girlfriend rumors? Not that it's nothing new, but the fact that they had to write false stories about Westlife sleeping with different girls is just..."

"Gross," I say, propping my legs up against the table, a cup of coffee in one hand.

Mark and Kian both agree, their eyebrows knitting together as they stare at the paper in much intensity I wouldn't be surprised if it burnt down in the process. I stand up and lean against the railing of the balcony, breathing in and out. The air smells of grass and exotic flowers and other unidentified scent. Overall, the atmosphere looks and smells nice. Shane and Nicky are still locked up in their room, sleeping ever so tightly.

My eyes are focused on the closed sliding door that leads to the balcony until someone slides it open and in comes Bryan, looking as though he isn't expecting to see us here. Usually we stay in the living room for breakfast but Mark said it was nicer and a lot more cozy to stay out at the balcony.

"Hey, Bryan." Kian nods up at him with a little smile. Mark raises his tea cup, as if offering him to sit down and have a wee drink.

Bryan, still looking a bit shock due to the creases on his forehead, forces a smile and then instantly rearranges it into a frown, then into a blank expression, when our eyes meet.

I look away, feeling the anger building up inside me.

We've had no proper conversation since Nicky's birthday where he yelled at me for God knows what reason. I've been trying to talk to him and ask what's wrong with his recent behavior but I always fail. Gone is the Bryan I used to know, we used to love. As much as I want to bring him back, he turns his back on us and keeps a great amount of distance nonetheless. The more I try to reach him out, the farther he comes running away.

But I still care about him after all. I just grew tired of his antics that I had to stop looking for answers. Answers that he only keeps to himself. He looks different now; it's as if a big part of him has been taken away, leaving him so broken and fragile.

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