Chapter 21

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Arthur's p.o.v

With a scowl plastered on my face, I go through the messages Shenaya send me after I called Jake right in front of her and hopped in my car.

Shenaya: Fuck u, Arthur.

Shenaya: I don't give a fuck about you

Shenaya: pick up your phone, baby

Shenaya: What you did was wrong and I hope your dick falls off before you put it in that other bitch

I wasn't in the mood to have a fight about something as unimportant as coincidentally moaning someone else's name during our climax. It was an accident that she can easily get over. I'm the one that's in a position to worry.

Leaned back against my car seat with my hands crossed over my chest, I observe the two figures seemingly gossiping in front of my car. With my attention mostly on Jake, I watch how he occasionally glances towards the car, bites his lip and nods hesitantly when Deandra tells him something.

I wonder how he would react if he found out that he was in my head during sex, he clouded my vision as I reached my peek and the more I thrusted into Shenaya, the more Jake became clearer under me until I couldn't see anyone else but him. I wanted to be disgusted, I wanted it to stop but all I could feel in that moment was lust and I craved him. The image brought the beast out.

This isn't the first time I've experienced this in a week. I woke up hard as fuck and confused this morning after dreaming about something as horrendous as someone whispering 'daddy' in my ear. Jake unknowingly turned all of my thoughts into reality and before I could control myself, I groped his waist and almost buried his face on the table and fucked him into oblivion.

'This ain't it' I think to myself with a headshake. I keep going against my own word every time I'm around him. I'm wasn't supposed to mislead him into thinking I'm interested but I've crossed the line so many times that I have to question myself if there ever was a line. Am I straight or do I just want to be...

I honk the car three times for Jake to get in the car but it's Deandra who walks towards the car instead as Jake makes his way back into the restaurant. What the fuck is he going back in there for if I made sure he got his food before coming here. I know how shy he can get when it's time to order.

Deandra knocks on my window and I lower it. "I would've let your sexy ass stay hungry with that attitude" she says batting her eyes with a large grin. "Jacob told me his side of the story and I think you should listen before you get mad, Adonis."

She nudges my shoulder and move back when I give her a look before she continues. "Don't act like you didn't get mad when you saw that contact name..." she teases. "Your name is saved in his phone with a little brown arm that disappears on a screen with a black background and Deshaun's name is saved as 'papi' with a big eggplant emoji. I mean, I would've brought Jake home and fucked that ass up, how dare he."

"The fuck are you talking about" I question as she wiggles her eyebrows irritatingly. I added that nigga on my dead-list as soon as Jake mentioned his name.

I'mma beat his ass when I see him again... It's frustrating how people keep gossiping about Jake being gay when that nigga's been wandering around with fruity written on his forehead and he's always in a corner arguing with Dean about something suspicious.

"All jokes aside, I think you guys should talk?" Deandra unsurely speaks up getting my attention. "Just look at him" she gushes and I follow her gaze to see Jake with a bag in one hand as he struggles to keep the door open for a woman to pass through. He smiles politely when the woman says something and points towards the car with flushed cheeks.

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