Chapter 24

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Jacob's p.o.v

Waking up in a room fully illuminated by the sun with the curtains wide open is a difficult task and that's exactly how this room is right now.

I sit cross legged on the bed with the covers around me like a burrito with my hair all over the place. I blink my watery eyes a couple of times so they can get used to the lighting and I smile spreads on my face when realization dawns on where I am.

The trophies, the paintings, everything is still here. That means Arthur is still here and I wasn't dreaming.

I cup my hot cheeks blushing fiercely as I think about all the nice stuff he said to me and how much we cuddled and kissed in the restaurant and when we arrived back at his place. We were tangled up under the covers in his bed talking, I mostly rambled, about whatever and went to sleep pressed against his chest.

'When did I become so lucky', I think to myself as I weirdly sniff his scent on his pillow. He held my hand, kissed it, lifted me up as if I weighted nothing, played with my hair and it made me so gushy that I wanted to cry. I just want this feeling he stirred inside me to last forever and ever.

My drowsy eyes fall on Arthur when the door opens and he walks in busy talking on the phone. Did I mention that he only has a white towel wrapped around his lower body as he brushes his hair? He does.

"Naah, count me out..... I wouldn't have come even if I wasn't busy, fuck I look like hanging out with a bunch of niggas I don't know......You the only nigga getting high early on a Sunday morning and calling people for no fucking reason, Quinn." he speaks and sits on the side of the bed. "Now you just making up shit so I'mma hang up" he tells the other person on the line and throw the phone on the bed seconds later.

I slowly crawl towards him and lay my head on his back when I'm close enough. "Morning" I lazily whisper and wrap my arms around his middle.

He stops brushing to caress my arm and says, "hey, did I wake you up, baby?"

Still unused to the name he started calling me last night, I clear my throat before replying with a faint, "no, you didn't, I woke up before you walked in..."

I move back a little when he unwraps my arms and I get up on my knees so he can easily pull me on top of him. I give him a toothy smile when he pokes my dimple after straddling him.

"Hi..." I say in such a timid manner that it makes him chuckle.

"Hi" he laughs, "you so shy."

"D-don't laugh about something I can't help, Art" I complain with a pout and he amusingly leans back on the bed.

"The way you said it is kinda funny though" he states making me huff and cross my arms.

"But still..."

"Aight, aight, I'mma stop laughing. How'd you sleep" he questions as he gets back up.

"Hmm...good" I tell him softly leaning my head against his chest, "and so so long" I add moving my face when he leans in and gets my cheek instead. "I have morning breath" I explain when I see the look on his face and he scoffs.


"So I need to brush first, Art" I giggle looking up at his unbothered face expression. "I'll c-can do that after I uhm m-many times as you w-want" I promise him and his eyebrows go up.

"As many times as I want? What about you, do you want me to?" he asks licking his lips and I nod looking down. "Hmm? I can't understand you when you speak like that, baby."

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