Chapter 47

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Jacob's p.o.v

With my head burried between my knees, I wait for Art to text me that he's here. I'm sitting on the bathroom floor and he's calling non stop, but I just can't get myself to talk. Mom keeps knocking on the door too and I can't open it.

The realization that you don't mean anything to someone you've wanted to love you for so long will do that to you I assume.

I think I would be better off pretending that she treated me the way she did because of her fear for my father, not because she despises me.

When my phone chimes, I slowly pick it up and look at it with squinted eyes.

Art's here and before I could open his text, he starts calling again and I slowly get up. I wipe my face with some tissue and take a deep breath before unlocking the door and rushing out of the house without facing anyone.

Swiftly, I go down the stairs and out of the apartment. When I see Art pacing by the car, the tears come flowing again and I quickly make my way to him.

"Why you ain't picking up when I'm calling you. I had to call Alyssa to get the address. You know how worried I a-..."

And I hug him around his middle immediately crying into his shirt.

"S-she doesn't want me. She h-hates me. I thought she didn't know how to take care of kids, but she d-does. She just didn't want to take care of me" I tell him while crying my eyes out and I feel him lift me up.

He's talking, but I can't hear him through my cries.

"She hates me."

I'm having difficulty breathing and my heart is pounding uncontrollably.

"She hates me."

I don't know when Art puts me down and makes me sit down right on the side of the road and he sits down too wiping my forehead and tears. I'm sweating and shaking tremendously.

"She hates me."

"Baby" he calls me and puts his forehead on mine, "Jake, breathe. Breathe...come on" he says softly holding my hands tightly while his forehead doesn't leave mine once.

We stay like that for quite some time hearing cars drive by.

His even breathing, his scent and his grip on my hands is what I concentrate on with my eyes closed until my chest stops heaving so quickly.

I squeeze his hand and take a much needed breath before opening my eyes slowly to see us sitting on the pavement. Art's eyes are still clothes and he seems so focused while he holds my hand.

Someone walking by looks at us weirdly and goes, "you boys are okay?"

Art only puts a thumbs up and the guy walks away. I guess he thinks I'm still panicking and doesn't want to talk so I call him.

"Art" I say softly trying to pull my hand away.

"Yeah, you gotta breathe. Keep your eyes closed" he says seriously and I can't help but smile.

"Art, I'm okay now" I tell him.

"You sure?"

"Uhu, I feel better. Thank you" I say to him and he finally pulls back and opens his eyes to look at me.

"You really fine?" he asks again caressing my cheek and I nod.

"I feel so much better now that you're here" I answer to him, "it happened because I saw m-" and he covers my mouth.

"You don't have to talk about it, it's cool. I'm just glad you feel better now" he tells me causing my heart to beat extremely fast.

It's been doing that a lot lately whever I'm with Art so I look at him with a small smile. He's the best.

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