Chapter 34

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Arthur's p.o.v

"We're here?" Quinn asks from the passenger side as he struggle to pull his seat back up after sleeping almost the whole flight and drive here when he said he wouldn't.


"You sure your dad settled everything?" he questions me again as we both open our doors to step out and I hum.

"Positive. He knows these people, all we gotta is get the key" I answer absentmindedly looking around the familiar neighborhood. Parking on the same spot my pops did when we moved here a while is making me feel uneasy.

"Aight, I'mma take the bags, you go get the key" he nudges me and I nod feeling a heaviness in my chest area, but I don't think too much of it. I just walk into the apartment that's always been in a poor condition, but we still decided to come here since we won't be staying here for long and it's closer to Jake's.

When I get the key from the guy who owns the place, we chat for a little while and then I go up the stairs to open the door for Quinn who's already there leaning against the door with the bags on the floor.

I make my way inside and stop right in the middle of the living room taking everything in. The place is just like I remember it, minus our stuff that we had here that gave the place some light.

"Which room are you taking, I want this one cause it's bigger" Quinn states getting my attention and I turn around to see him pointing towards what used to be my dad's room.

"Aight, go ahead. We ain't staying for long anyway" I shrug walking up to the nearby window and look down the street. I grab my phone out of my pocket to check the time and before I know it my fingers find themselves tapping on Jake's name in my messages.

I grimace irritatingly and turn my phone back off thinking of how impossible it is to just send a dry text after leaving him on read for so long. I've done it already by a meaningless phone call.

Overthinking is something I don't usually do, but right now it's heavily on my mind and I don't like that. I hate how it makes me feel, I hate how thinking about him with somebody else makes me feel.

"Bruh, you good?" Quinn asks putting his hand on my shoulder and I nod my head still distracted by everything, "I put your bag in your room for you so say thanks and hurry your ass up if you gone do something else before we go find something to eat. I'm hungry."

"I'm aight, don't worry about it" I breathe out turning around to finally go to my room. There's nothing wrong with me, I'm just thinking of ways to fuck the nigga up who has the nerve to go close to him if he decides to reject me. I wouldn't call myself dangerous, I'm just possessive.

As expected, memories flood my mind when I open my room. Not much has happened in here without Jake being involved so it's unmistakably obvious that I'm thinking about him. I trudge towards the bed and let myself fall face first on the pillow with a helpless groan leaving my mouth as I let the thoughts have their way.


"You asleep?" I ask when I hear nothing else on the other end than just even breathing and small movements.

"No, I'm a little sleepy and my eyes keep closing, but I'm really trying not to sleep, I think I'll turn on the lights. Are you asleep?... No y-you aren't, otherwise you wouldn't be speaking. Right? Are you sleepwalking?" Jake starts to ramble again as expected and I chuckle.

He's silent and shy during the day, but at nighttime he's more comfortable and ready to talk about the silliest things. Maybe it's because we're not face to face.

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