Chapter 37

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Candy's p.o.v

I am a business woman and settling for the greatest is what I do, that's what I'm mostly good at.

Some might not agree with any of this and others might think I'm selfish, but who cares to be honest, because as far as I know, I don't. I'm the mastermind behind my own plans, my moves are simply created by me and I'm aware of the fact that my decisions somehow affect those around me in one way or another, but does that stop me?


I'm still Candy,

I'm known to be selfish around these streets and that won't be changing anytime soon, not when I've just got my hands on something I can train to become a beast in my business. The chances of me getting ten times richer are over the roof and I'll be damned if someone tries to ruin that for me.

Composed and laid back, I side-eye my phone that I've just put on the table. I'm surprisingly still calm considering the fact that I was left on read after all those messages I took my time sending. I don't feel annoyed, maybe I'm just waiting for the right time to snap.

A knock on my door makes me sit up on my comfortable chair as I tuck my long blue wig behind my ear. That reveals the side of my boobs that are too big to be covered by the ring halter crop top I have on. "Come in" I shout out to the person and the door opens slowly.

I roll my eyes popping a gum into my mouth when Kelly steps in looking more fragile than ever. She even looks like she's about to cry if I raise my voice. "You're coming to my office now? Do you know how long it's been since I send for you?" I ask tilting my head aside as she makes her way towards me.

"I- I was cleaning the room" she stammers with her hair covering her face. She's such a newbie. I've learned how to hide my weaknesses a long time ago, because that's how people can easily take advantage of you. Hopefully she realizes that sooner rather than later.

"Sit down" I point towards the chair in front of me and she does exactly as I say. "Now what was your ass cleaning in that damn room" I question before she could even get comfortable and she freezes.

I've been going through a lot lately. Not only did the boy that cleans up didn't show up, but these little girls suddenly aren't doing their jobs right.

"I- I was changing the sheets.."

"To make me look stupid?" I ask her and she quickly shakes her head, "then why, cause I know that nothing happened in there. You denied one of my costumers, Kelly."

"He wanted to hurt me, h-he was too aggressive" she is quick to reply and I stand up to get a better view of her face.

"Look at me when I say this to you" I start as I walk slowly towards her and grip her by the cheeks to lift her head up, "you're one of the best, but you can't go around doing shit like this. Denying costumers means that you're playing with my money. Do you think I'm someone to play with?" I ask and she shakes her head causing a tear to run down her cheek.

"N-no, Candy, I'm sorry" she apologizes closing her eyes and I let go of her cheeks, "I'll get you your money, I could work overtime or something, but please don't fire me. I really need the money" she begs reaching for my hand and when she gets it, her grip tightens around it.

"I'm sorry."

I take a good look at her behavior and shake my head in disgust. She knows she doesn't need the money as much as she needs me and what I provide for her right now, but I'll accept her apology since I can't fire her anyways. She knows too much. "I bet you're sorry" I snort pulling my hand away and she nods.

"Yes, I am."

"Good, you'll be working overtime since that's what you've asked for, but you better know that you're getting costumers just like the last one. I want you to learn your lesson" I state strolling in my long heels towards my window, "you can leave now and tell Elizabeth that she can go home tomorrow since you'll be taking her shifts too."

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