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Big thanks for the past, for all kinds of fears, all kinds of pain that lead to life again. never die or lose a single part. It's just that now I'm easily hurt, easily offended, irritable, easy to no longer open my heart again. the past, I could not write it all. Because I have forgotten, I don't remember what happened between you and me before.

Happy learning in the new world, Onat. You can, you must reply, you must fight them. Don't stop, stand there together "even if alone". Take the crown, until you can smile seeing your world without discomfort, burdened, confined, and full of hurt. I love myself.

- thanks, and we can't together, soon.

— DONE —

Terima kasih untuk kalian yang sudah membaca. Ini sudah berakhir.

Kata Dari Jiwa - Myself NotesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang