His Kitten, Broken

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"It it time to wake up, young master." Ciel hears Sebastian say as the butler opens the curtains. The young noble feels sunlight hitting his face and cracks open his eyes. He groggily sits up and Sebastian begins the routine of getting the noble dressed.

"Young master, you have a visitor from the Queen coming today. Other than that, your schedule is clear." Ciel scowls down at him as Sebastian pulls on his socks.

"Who is it?" The raven looks up and smiles that odd smile of his.

"The visitor's name is Alois Trancy. He has heard that we have taken in (Name) and he seems to be extremely interested." Ciel narrows his eyes at him. It had been a week since he had met the (h/c) haired woman, giving her enough time to situate in the manor. She had been helping Mey-Rin with the generic chores such as sweeping or dusting since her ankle was healed.

"Trancy? What the hell does he want with (Name)?" He stands up and bows his head.

"Unfortunately, I do not know, young master." Ciel waves him away with a sigh and stands.

"Go check on (Name), Sebastian. If Trancy's coming here to see her, she'll have to be awake." He bows.

"Yes, my lord."


Sebastian walks down the hallways of the Phantomhive manor, thinking about the young master's expression when he heard of Trancy's interest in (Name). If he didn't know any better, he would sau Ciel looked jealous. The demon smiles to himself and knocks on (Name)'s door. Since she had been working at the manor, she had been given a small room near the servant's quarters.

When he hears no reply, he opens the door and pokes his head in. He spots a lump under the covers of the bed and smirks.

'Still asleep, I see.' Predictable.' He steps into the room and shuts the door behind him. The lump moves a bit, but stays silent. Sebastian sighs and walks over to the bed.

"Miss (Name), it's time to wake up. You have to get dressed." You groan quietly from under the covers, not wanting to leave the warm bed. The butler chuckles and the top part of the lump moves. Your face pops out from the covers and your (e/c) eyes blink open slowly. You see Sebastian's smirking face, then close your eyes and flips over to face away from him.

"Mmnnn...." You mumble and he sighs.

"Very well... You leave me no choice..."

You feel him poke the back of your head but you ignore it. Again, he pokes you, but this time is a bit harder. You continue to ignore him and burrow deeper in the covers. At the action, you hear him sigh yet again and something unexpected happens.

He pulls your hair. Like an undisciplined child throwing a tantrum, he jerks a piece of your hair roughly enough to burn.

"Ooww..." You lift your head and glare at him. He gives you his closed eye smile and you huff at him.

"Miss (Name), the young master wishes for you to get prepared to greet the visitor." You sigh and sit up.



"Young Master, it's (Name). Sebastian said you wanted to see me?" You knock on the door timidly and hear a gruff voice reply.

"Come in, (Name)." You push open the door. Ciel is sitting behind his desk, paperwork covering every in of the wood. His tired eyes meet yours and he nods to you.

"Shut the door then. Sit down." You nod, walking over to him and sitting down. Ciel begins to watch me, his visible eye combing over me. You casually try to fix your (h/l), (h/c) hair, self-conscious about being stared at so intently. He tilts his head, a tiny hint of a smile in his visible eye.

Wait... smile?!

"(Name), do you know why you are here?" You shake my head.

"No, I do not, Master Ciel." You say, remembering how Sebastian told you to call him "Master" when referring to him since your were now a maid. He narrows his eye.

"(Name), when we are alone, I wish you to refer to me as Ciel." You nod confusedly.

"Yes, Ciel." He makes a satisfied grunt.

"Today we have a visitor coming to visit from the Queen." You stay silent, unsure of how to respond, and Ciel continues. "His name is Alois Trancy." The name causes your head to throb.

"Ack- Oww..." You hold your head in your hands and lean forward at the pain.

"(Name)? What's wrong?"

That name... what-?


Faces... so many faces... You squeeze your eyes shut and faces fill the darkness behind your eyelids. But one thing they all have in common is-

"Red... they're all covered with b-blood..." You say, choking on the last part. You hear the sounds of a chair scraping against the floor and feel a hand on your shoulder a few moments later. Your body jerks and you move your arm, shoving Ciel away from you.

"S-stay away!" He lands on the floor, bumping his head, and Sebastian bursts in. You jump out of your chair and your eyes dart around wildly.

"Young Master!" He dashes forward, kneeling next to Ciel. You tense up and Sebastian glares at you. His amber eyes freeze your body and the sudden desire to scream bubbles up in your throat. Sebastian stands up and takes a step towards you. Instinct causes you to step back in response. He reaches a hand out to you, but another flash of pain in your head makes you flinch. You open your mouth to attempt to explain yourself, but a different voice and sentence comes from you.

"Don't touch me, demon. I know what kind of blood is on them and I don't want that on my body." You blink in surprise. You voice sounds different, even to you. It was cold, harsh, not at all like how you usually speak.


"Do not speak my name either. I do not wish for you to sully it with your singul mouth." You feel your body suddenly loosing strength, but adrenaline surges you forward to run to the doors of the study. You slam the door behind you and sprint down the hall ways. You scale the staircase and dart for the door, the urgent need to escape consuming you. But before you can step over the threshold, you run into something firm and warm.

"Ooh, be careful, love! I knew you would be excited to see me!" A bright and cheery voice speaks from above you. You pull away a bit and look up.

"(Name), love! I'm so happy to see you! Did you miss me?"

That smile.... the smooth blonde locks... this purple jacket...

"A-Alois?" He grins.

"Hello, my darling wife."

His Kitten, Amnesiac (A Black Butler X Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now