Chapter Three

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Emma had decided to call Violet back, whom had first been hopeful that he'd been found. "I'm sorry, sis, we haven't found him yet. But I did find out that Ryman lied to me. He had told me that Shawn texted him that he was going out of town, but a short while later, I decided to call Shawn, just to check in with him. But then me and Eddie found his phone in Ryman's desk."

Violet gasped. "Really? So, now what? Where's Shawn at? Is he okay? Please tell me he's going to be okay?"

Emma sighed. "I don't know where he is, or what condition he's in. Has he contacted you any more?"

"No," Violet sighed. "Just what I've already told you."

"Well keep trying, okay? I need to go now." She hung up, quickly sliding both phones into her pockets.

Ryman smiled at her in the doorway. "And who were you talking to just now?"

Emma walked over and pulled him into a hug. "I was talking to Eddie," she said, trying not to answer too quickly. "He had to go into town this morning and I told him to bring me back some soda, but he just called and said that he couldn't find any, so I told him to keep trying." She lied easily.

He chuckled at that. "So you trusted Eddie to get you a drink? He'll probably forget by the time he gets to the store." He kissed her cheek. "I need to go now, I was going to meet up with Rachel and we were going to discuss business."

She nodded. "Of course. Don't let me keep you."

He kissed her again, then walked out of the house.

She watched him leave, then pulled out her phone and started typing rapidly on it. "Ryman just left," she texted.


Violet glanced out the window. Something bad was about to happen, she just knew it. She knew that she should probably train, but she wasn't sure if she could even focus. She took a few deep breaths to try and calm herself down. "I need to do this," she said softly to herself, then walked outside for complete silence, sitting down on the porch swing. Shawn? I need you to talk to me now. Where are you? Can you hear me?

She listened for a response, sighing when he didn't answer her. "Come on, Shawn, why did you stop talking to me?" She wondered to herself softly. She wanted to reach out again, but decided to give him a chance to respond. She listened closely, but the only thing she heard was her own thoughts.

She decided to stay out on the porch to wait and see if he'd get back to her. She took a deep breath. "Please answer me, Shawn," she said softly to herself.


Ryman met up with Rachel, near to the building that he'd set on fire. "Think he made it out?" He asked, glancing over at her.

She lit a cigarette, then shrug. "I doubt it. You put a gas tank in there with him that had exploded. I doubt that he's still alive."

He chuckled. "Good then, let's find us a new place for our magic spells and stuff."

She nodded in agreement. "Yes, let's go."

"Walk on, I'll catch up to you in a moment." He watched her walk off, then doubled around and headed back towards his car, walking around it, then he paused. "I knew I was being followed!" He grabbed him by the shirt collar, then rammed him roughly against the side of the truck. "Why are you following me?" He hissed.

Eddie winced. "As a favor to a friend."

Ryman narrowed his eyes. "I caught you pretty easy for someone who 'just knows things', so why was that?"

Eddie shrug. "I don't know."

Ryman glared at him. "Well, let's get back to why were you following me? And don't say because you were helping a friend, because you don't have many friends here."

Eddie struggled. "Geez, thanks. Shawn's my friend. I'm doing this for him."

Ryman rammed his back against the truck. "Start talking, Gray. Why were you trailing me?"

"Why would I talk to you?" Eddie hissed. "You lied to Vi!" He struggled to get away from him. "Let me go now! Or I'll turn you into crow food!"

Ryman chuckled. "Empty threats now? You don't have the powers to cast spells like that." He banged him against the truck again. "But since you're here I may as well tell you, Shawn is probably dead by now. You've probably wasted your time following me here," he chuckled harshly, then shoved him to the ground. "But like Shawn, you don't have what it takes to beat me." He laughed.

Eddie didn't even attempt to push himself up, glaring at him. "I bet if you hadn't of cheated, Shawn would have won!"

"Cheated? You think I cheated?" Ryman hissed, then jerked him to his feet. He threw him backwards with his powers.

Eddie rubbed his arm after landing on it. "What would Violet think about what you're doing? About you killing Shawn?"

Ryman took a step towards him, once again using his powers to throw him backwards. "She would think I'm doing a good job here," he said with a smile. "I'm taking out the weak people to give her the stronger ones to protect her and Petal Peak."

Eddie tried to push himself to his feet, but fell back down. "So you think Rachel is strong enough to be in your posse?" He asked through clenched teeth. "O.. or Em?"

Ryman walked over to him, then used his powers to knock him against a tree. "Or you? Yah, you're too weak to be in my.. what was it you called it? My posse?" He smirked, then knocked one of the tree branches on him.

Eddie winced at the new weight crushing his back. He opened his mouth for a reply, then closed it again.

Ryman smiled. "I have to go now, Gray. But I do hope that we stay in touch," he chuckled, then strutted away.


Violet had decided to visit with her sister to see if they could figure out their next moves. She paused at the entryway to the house, with Chris and Dom close behind her. She hadn't seen her sister in years, so would she and her friends be welcomed here?

"Go on, Vi," Dom gently coaxed her onward. "Let's see if there's anyway for us to help."

Violet nodded, following the sidewalk; moving as slowly as she could. At this pace it took them forever to get to the door. She stepped up on the porch, then softly knocked on the door.

A moment later it opened, and Emma stood there, her mouth hung open. "Violet? Is.. Is that you?" She asked, shocked.

Violet nodded. "It is, Em. It's me.. I.. we.. decided to swing by for a visit."

A small smile crossed Emma's face. "You mean to check on Shawn? That's thoughtful of you," she moved to the side to let them enter. "But I'm afraid we have not found him. I sent Eddie out to follow Ryman, but he hasn't come back yet, so I'm really worried about both of them now."

Violet sighed. "So you're missing two of your friends now?"

Emma nodded. "Yah.. and I don't even know where to start looking for them."

Violet glanced back at Dom and Chris, then returned her gaze to Emma. "Well, that's why we are here to split up and cover more ground that a way."

Emma opened her mouth to reject to that, but nothing came out. "Well, I guess that's the best thing we can do right now. Okay.. I'm in."

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