Chapter Sixteen

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It was a few days later. Violet sat outside the house in the porch swing, thinking. She was happy that Shawn was home, but she couldn't get his words out of her head. Was this just the calm before the storm and something else was about to happen?

The door opened and Emma walked out. "Hey, you okay? I figured you would be with Shawn right now."

"Well I'm not," Violet said, sounding annoyed. "I just got something on my mind, that's all."

Emma sat down beside her. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. "Maybe talking will help."

Violet sighed. "Not this time."

Emma wrapped her arms around her, then pulled her in for a hug. "I will always be here if you want to talk, okay?"

Violet nodded. "Okay. Wait before you go.. Can I ask you a question." She went on without waiting for an answer. "Do you ever feel like this isn't over yet?" She asked hesitantly. She didn't want Emma to feel the same dread that she does.

Emma pondered over the question. "I'm always hopeful that it's finally over, but no, I don't feel like it is. I think Ryman will probably escape somehow, meet up with Rachel again, then come after us."

Violet listened. "Your probably wondering why I asked. Shawn said something when he was in the hospital that freaked me out. He was actually asking me if this could be the calm before the storm, and that maybe our nightmare wasn't over yet. Something about the way he said it sounded ominous."

"He was probably on pain killers which is why I'm surprised that made you so nervous in the first place. He probably doesn't even remember saying it."

Violet sighed. "You're right. Maybe I'm freaked out over nothing. Thanks, sis." She hugged Emma. "I'm going to check on Shawn now," she stood up then walked back in.

Emma watched her leave, smiling to herself. "I think that went well," she said to herself. "She doesn't need to know that Ryman got out."

Chris crept out of hiding, slowly walking towards her. "Are you sure about this now?" He asked her. "No going back?"

She shook her head. "No going back," she patted the chair next to her, signaling for him to sit down. "We only have one shot at this, so let's make it count."


Violet paused in the doorway, knocking softly on the wall as she walked in. "Hey," she whispered sitting on side of the bed. "Is something wrong?"

Shawn shook his head. "Nothing's wrong," he promised.

She smiled. "Good," she slid closer to him so she could rest her head on his shoulder. "How come I get the feeling that your hiding something from me?" She frowned, glancing at him. "So what is it?"

"Nothing, Vi. I promise."

"I know how to get you to loosen up a bit," she leaned over and pressed her lips softly to his.

He kissed her back. "Very persuasive;" he chuckled. "But I'm fine and nothing is wrong, I promise." He tried to assure her.

She pulled away from him. "You trying to assure me of that, or yourself?"


"Wait up!" Ciara hurried after him. "Why are we going to spy on Emma?" She asked. "She's having a private conversation on the porch."

Eddie glanced at her. "Your kidding, right? She told Violet, her sister, that everything was fine, when everything is not fine; and she's been hanging out with Chris more than usual."

Ciara rolled her eyes. "Are you jealous? Is that what this is about?"

"What?" He shook his head. "No I'm not jealous!" He paused at the corner of the house, then put a finger to his lips to signal for her to be quiet.

Emma was lightly making the swing move. "So you think this could work?"

Chris shrug. "It could."

She smiled. "So this nightmare is almost over?" She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him in for a hug. "Thank you. I appreciate you helping me."

He smiled. "Always happy to help." He pulled slightly away from her. "So maybe this time tomorrow you can happily live your life without worrying about Ryman."

"I would love that! I'm so happy that I could kiss you!" They both fell silent at that.

Don't do it! Ciara silently begged Emma to come to her senses. She glanced around, Eddie had left. She hoped he left before that though. She headed back inside the house.

Dom was sitting on the couch, flipping through the channels.

She walked over to join him. "Hey there, have you seen Eddie?"

He thought a moment. "I think he went to his room. Is something going on between him and Emma?"

"I'm not exactly sure. I will try to find out what's going on." She stood up, then went down the hall, pausing at his closed door. She raised her fist and gave a couple of knocks. "Eddie? Everything okay?" She called out. "I'm coming in!" She twisted the doorknob, then pushed the door open.

Eddie was sitting on the edge of the bed, glancing at the floor. He gave no indication that he had heard her.

She sat down beside him. "Eddie? Want to talk about whatever it was that you think you heard?" She asked softly.

He shook his head. "Nope." He got up, then pulled her to her feet and pushed her towards the door. "I just want to be left alone." He pushed her out of his room, then slammed the door.

"Well that was rude!" She hissed, loud enough for him to hear her. She groaned as she stormed off. Her first item of business was to talk to Emma. She walked towards the back door and walked out on the porch.

Emma and Chris jumped away from each other. "Oh, just you," Emma said with a sigh of relief. "I thought you was Eddie."

"Well I'm not, thankfully," Ciara snapped. "Oh and he already knows about you two."

"Knows what about us?" Emma asked confused. "We haven't done anything wrong."

Ciara crossed her arms. "We were out in the yard while you two was talking; and you told Chris that you was so happy you could kiss him."

"But I didn't- wait.. Were you spying on us?" She crossed her arms. "Never mind.. I'll deal with you later." She stormed inside.

Instead of knocking, she pushed open the door and came into the room. "Really, Eddie?! Spying on me?" She crossed her arms.

Eddie pushed himself off the bed, then walked over towards her. "Why did you lie to Violet? Things are not okay, things are far from okay, but you told her they were. How can she be prepared when she doesn't think there's any danger? She could really get hurt!"

"Don't you dare lecture me about my sister when you can't even find yours!"

He fell silent at that.

"And another thing, I don't appreciate you spying on me! Whatever we had or about to have is over! From now on you stay out of my way, and I'll gladly stay out of yours!" She turned on her heel, and stormed out of the room.

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