Chapter Ten

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Emma had fallen asleep next to Eddie that night, but she kept almost falling off the couch. When she finally woke up, she decided to walk into the kitchen and make some coffee, putting a bagel in the toaster as she waiting for the coffee maker to beat.

She also scrambled a few eggs, making sure to make enough for everyone. When breakfast and the coffee was done, she set the table, then walked back into the living room. "Eddie?" She spoke up softly, lightly shaking him so she wouldn't scare him. "Wake up!" She shook him again. "You're a heavier sleeper than Dom is!" She chuckled.

She thought a moment, then leaned forward until her lips met his, kissing him softly. She wasn't surprised that he kissed her back; then she pulled away. "You are one heavy sleeper!" She chuckled.

He flashed her a weak smile in greeting. "So I've been told," he mumbled sleepily.

She smiled, kissing him again. "Are you hungry?" She asked softly.

He shook his head. "Not really." He struggled to sit up, wincing. "Did anyone find out where Ryman was after I fell asleep yesterday?"

She sighed. "I'm afraid not, but when we find him, this whole nightmare will be over."

One of the bedroom doors opened and Violet came out. "Hey guys," she greeted them on her way to the kitchen. She came back a moment later with a biscuit and a cup of coffee.

Emma smiled at her. "Hey there. Enjoying breakfast?"

Violet nodded. "I sure am, it's so delicious!" She glanced at Eddie. "How are you? You look like crap."

He chuckled at that. "Thanks, Vi."

She sat in the recliner to the right of the couch. She thought about telling them about Chris acting odd yesterday, but decided against it. She didn't want anyone to worry. "I'll just go and wake Chris up." She got back up after she had eaten her biscuit and drank her coffee, then walked down the hall towards Chris's room.

Emma watched her leave. "I can't decide who she likes more Dom or Chris. She's known Dom the longest, since they were in 9th grade together, and they've been friends ever since. I guess she probably met Chris about the same time I met Ryman."

Eddie just listened to her in silence. "I'm sorry that Ryman turned into a complete... word I don't want to say."

She smiled, shrugging. "It's okay, if I didn't meet him, I may not have met you." She slid her hand in to his. "I guess things do happen for a reason."


Violet knocked softly on the door, then slowly pushed it open. "Chris? You awake yet?" She asked softly.

Chris was staring out the window. "Morning, Vi." He said without looking at her. "Coming to check on me?"

She paused in the doorway. "As a matter of fact I am," she answered. "You was acting weird yesterday, and I just wanted to make sure you're okay today."

He shrug. "I'm fine." He finally turned around to face her. "Why wouldn't I be?"

She swallowed nervously. Why was she afraid of him? She was lost in thought and didn't notice when he walked over to her, until they were face to face. "Be.. because... of the way you was... were acting yesterday..." she stuttered.

He grabbed her wrist, then pulled her into the room and closed the door behind her.

"Hey!" She protested. "What are you.."

He pushed her against the wall. "You're just in my way, sweetheart." He wrapped his hands around her throat.


Eddie pulled away from her. "We should check on Vi." He spoke up suddenly, glancing towards the hallway.

"What?" Emma looked confused. "She just went to check on Chris."

He swallowed nervously. "Just trust me, Em. Something's wrong." He pushed himself off the couch, with Emma behind him; then staggered to Chris's room. The door was locked, so he easily kicked it open.

She followed him, trying to process the sight before her eyes.

Eddie pushed Chris away from Violet, as Emma hurried over to check on her sister. He pushed him against the other wall. "Is she okay?" He called to Emma.

Emma frantically checked her neck for a pulse, quickly getting one. "She's okay.. or she will be." She answered.

Eddie glanced back at Chris, who was just smirking. "I knew that would get your attention." He pushed him backwards, then elbowed the window and picked up a piece of glass. "Ryman told me to start with you anyways."

Eddie looked confused. "Ryman? Chris, he's in your head. Snap out of it before someone gets hurt!"

Chris chuckled. "I think he's counting on someone getting hurt.. you especially though."

"Why me?"

He shrug. "Don't know, don't care." He swung the glass at him. "So you're the one I should start with!" He grabbed him by the shirt collar, then rammed him into the wall.

Eddie winced. "You don't want to do this!"

Chris slung him to the floor. "Ryman wants me to do this," he pinned his arms down. "He needs you out of the way, so you won't stop me from killing the others!"

Eddie got his feet between them, then kicked him off.

Emma was knelt down beside Violet, shaking her. "Vi? Vi?!" She called out.

Eddie slowly pushed himself to his feet, wincing.

Chris jumped to his feet. "That all you got?" He asked, pushing him backwards.

Eddie staggered slightly, but kept his balance. "Snap out of it, Chris! Your under Ryman's mind control!"

Chris glared at him. "Ryman is not the bad guy here! You are. You stole the girl he likes."

Eddie stared at him in shock. "What?! I'm the bad guy? Me and Emma are not even officially together.." He trailed off.

Chris narrowed his eyes. "It doesn't matter if you are officially together or not, you still like each other!" He hissed. "Why not go kill yourself?! Then I won't have to!"

Eddie opened his mouth to respond, then closed it again. He glanced over to where Emma was watching them with wide eyes. "Finish me off then." He spoke up, his voice was hoarse.

Violet had opened her eyes some time during the commotion, and her and Emma were both watching. "What do we do?" Violet asked in a whisper, to which Emma just shrug. Then she staggered to her feet. "Chris? Talk to me here. What is Ryman telling you to do?"

Chris glanced over at her. "He wants everybody except Emma dead."

Violet nodded. "That's what I thought." She stumbled out of the room for a moment, then came back holding rope. "This is for your own good," she tossed the rope to Eddie.

Eddie pushed him into the wall, then tied his arms behind his back. "Sorry, buddy." He apologized, then glanced back at Violet and Emma. "Sounds like you may have a plan."

Violet nodded. "I may do it," she put a finger to her chin to think, then glanced at Emma. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Emma smiled. "Well, I can't read your mind or anything, but I'm sure we are thinking the same thing. We always are."

Violet nodded in agreement, then glanced back at Eddie. "We just need to round up the others."

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