Chapter Eleven

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Violet was in the living room, pacing around. "Okay, I think we may know where Ryman is hiding out. I'll be going there with Emma and Shawn. And Dom, you stay here with Eddie and Ciara. Be sure to keep a close eye on Chris, he may try to escape."

Dom nodded. "You got it. I'm surprised you're not take Eddie with you, since he may be able to tell you if something is about to happen."

Violet sighed. "I wanted to take him, but he needs to stay here and rest. And he can't watch Chris on his own, and I trust you, Dom." She pulled him into a hug. "And I'm starting to trust you to, Ciara. After all, you were the one who helped Shawn. So I'm trusting you here too."

Ciara nodded. "I won't let you down."

Violet smiled. "I know you won't. Guys, we may just have one shot at this; let's stop Ryman's reign, and bring Chris back."

After her talk, everybody split up into their assigned groups. "Whose ready to find Ryman and possibly Rachel?" Violet asked.

"I am," Emma answered. "And to escape this awful nightmare."

"Me too," Shawn agreed. 

Violet led the way out of the house.


Emma had teleported them to the first building in town that she could. She glanced around. Cars were going up and down the road, and every once in a while she would see someone walking. She got up front to lead the way.

Violet followed after her. "I'm thinking it's the next building right over there," she said, pointing to the tallest building in town.

"What room though?" Shawn asked, jogging to catch up to them.

Violet shrug. "I don't know. We should probably split up."

"Split up?" Shawn paused, glancing at her. "I've seen that movie before. You know what happens after we split up? He's going to pick us off one by one, well, you and me anyways. Then he's going to probably kidnap Emma and then brainwash her to marry him."

Emma paused, then turned around to face him. "You know what? You worry too much. Nobody will die, nobody will be kidnapped, at least not today." She tried to assure him. "Look, we are going to find Ryman. We are. We are going to get Chris back."

Violet chuckled. "How about something for luck then?" She reached up, and pressed her lips against his.

Emma smiled, then turned away and headed into the building to start looking.

Violet pulled away. "Feel better?" She smiled, then followed Emma into the building.

After a moment, Shawn hurried after them. "Guys, wait up!" He called, finally catching up to them at the elevators.

Emma pressed the 'up' button. "I'm going to check the fifth floor, Violet, you check this floor and Shawn, you take the eighth floor. And we'll meet back here."


After leaving the elevators, Violet checked the rooms, not exactly sure what she was looking for. Most of the room's doors were open.

At one time, she thought she'd seen Rachel come out of one of the rooms, but it wasn't her. She sighed when she didn't find anything, then she went to the elevators and went up to the next floor. But she still didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

The third floor was just as useless as the first two. Nothing. Where was Ryman at? And Rachel for that matter? She sighed as she tried the fourth floor, check all rooms as good as she could. She was about to leave the room when someone blocked her way - Ryman.

She stared at him in shock. "Where did you come from?"

"Where's Emma at?" He asked. His eyes flashed white for a brief moment.

"Checking the fifth floor.." she whispered automatically. "We didn't come along though- Shawn's with us-"

"And where is he?"

"Searching the eighth floor-"

He smiled. "Good." He grabbed her arm, pulling her out of the room. "You're coming with me, sweetheart."


Shawn was still nervous about being separated from the others, but he kept telling himself that they would be fine. Ryman may not even still be here, he may have left or perhaps wasn't even here in the first place.

He walked into one of the rooms to look around. Instead of having walls, it looked like this room was made of windows. "That's not creepy at all," he said to himself. Footsteps pausing in the doorway made him spin around.

"Talking to yourself, Lewis?" Ryman asked, crossing his arms.

Shawn opened his mouth to answer, then closed it again. "Of.. of course not!" He stuttered.

Ryman smirked. "Sure you weren't." He took a few steps towards him. "You know, Violet told me you were up here. She also told me where Em was."

"Why w.. would she.. she do that?"

Ryman shrug. "I don't know.. it was almost as if she wanted me to pay you two a visit," he chuckled. "So, let's catch up.. shall we?"

"U.. uhm.." Shawn took a deep breath to calm himself down. "You say you ran into Vi? Where is she now?"

Ryman smiled. "She went to find Emma. I wanted her to tell her sister that I wanted to see her. That so bad?" His smile faded.

Shawn backed away. "Ca.. can you get out of the door way now so that I.. I can go?"

Ryman shook his head. "Sorry, can't.. or won't, rather." He chuckled, then grabbed him by the shirt collar.

Then Violet and Emma walked into the room. "Don't do this, Ryman!" Emma called out. "I'll come with you willingly.. but you have to let my sister and Shawn go.."

Shawn glanced at her. "You can't, Em!" Which earned him a smack from Ryman.

Ryman glanced at her, then shook his head. "I can't. But I am glad that you two are here now.. I love you, Em," he whispered. "I have always loved you."

Emma narrowed her eyes. "No, you're obsessed with me!"

Ryman glared at her, then glanced back over at Shawn. He used his powers to knock him backwards.

Emma jumped when she heard the sound of glass shattering. "Shawn!" She hurried over to glance out the now broken window.

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