Chapter Seven

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Emma kept thinking about Chris as she followed the others along the trail. She wondered if she should have even left him. "So what are we even searching for?" She asked softly.

Shawn shrug. "Probably somewhere that looks as if it hasn't been used in days? Or in a while?" He guessed.

She sighed, but followed. She knew that she couldn't just teleport to this place in question, but she decided that she would stay with the others. 


Violet stood near the bars, her fingers wrapped around them. "Ben? Do you know how we can get out of here?" She asked in a whisper.

Ben shook his head. "I never figured it out, but maybe we can come up with something together?"

She nodded in agreement, then glanced over her shoulder to where Eddie had his back propped up against the other side of the cell, then glanced back at Ben. "Maybe so. I'm sure that we will be saved, even if we have to do it ourselves."

Then the door opened, and Rachel strutted in. "Whatever you're planning isn't going to work. Ryman is more powerful than anyone in Petal Peak."

Violet rolled her eyes. "I doubt that. I bet that if I was with my sister, then Emma and I could take him." She tightened her grip around the bars.


Ryman easily knocked him off, then glanced around. "Emma?!" He called out. "Where is my girlfriend at?"

Chris shrug, pushing himself to his feet. "How would I know? She's already dumped you, bro? After saying that she would marry you?"

Ryman glared at him. "She didn't dump me! I know that she didn't!" He glanced around again. "Emma?!" He called out again. "Come on, sweetheart.. don't do this to me now."

Chris chuckled. "Don't do what to you now? Leave you? Uhm.. I think she already did. I'm just going to go now.."

"No!" Ryman hissed, stalking over to him. "Where is she?! You know where she is, don't you?!"

"I don't. I have no idea where she went." Chris shrug again. "She just took off."

"She just took off, huh?" Ryman repeated, clearly not believing anything. He turned away like he was going to leave. "I guess I should go and find her then." But then he spun around, and shoved Chris backwards with his powers. "Or.. you could just tell me where she went; because I know that you know."


Shawn paused outside an old building, then glanced over his shoulder to where Ciara, Dom and Emma were walking up behind him.

Emma paused beside him, clearly out of breath. "I could have just teleported here," she sighed. "But now that we're here, we should look around."

Dom and Ciara nodded in agreement. "But first, we should probably look around to make sure no one else is here," Dom suggested, then he walked off to look around.

Emma walked slowly towards the door, then she pushed it open, and crept inside. Cages or cells, lined the walls. They all looked empty, but she decided to keep walking. Maybe one of them would have someone in it. She paused when she heard voices ahead.

"Would you go now? Ryman wanted me to get you out of here!" The voice whispered in a stern way. "Go!"

Emma followed the voice further down the hall, until she saw Rachel pushing Violet towards the exit. "Stop, Rachel!" She called out.

Rachel froze, then slowly turned around. "Emma! You're here! I was just saving Violet here."

Emma rolled her eyes. "Save it! I heard everything!"

Rachel glared at her, then disappeared.

Emma glanced around. "Violet!" She ran over and wrapped her arms around her sister's neck. "We have all been looking for you!"

Violet pulled away. "We have to go back and save Eddie and Ben!" She hurried back down the hallway.

Emma ran after her, until they made it into another room. When she caught up to her sister, Violet was trying to figure out how to unlock the cell without the key. "Lock with no key, open up please?" Emma whispered softly, then the lock unlocked, and she did the same with the other.

Ben was the first one out. "Freedom! I can't wait to see my brother again!"

Violet hurried into the cell to help Eddie. "We're saved," she whispered happily, helping him to his feet.

Emma followed her sister to help. "What happened?" She asked concerned.

"I got crushed by a tree branch," he shrug. "Nothing too serious."

"Ben?!" Dom hurried in and pulled his brother into a hug. "I've missed you! Were you here this whole time? Everyone thought you ran away."

Ben chuckled. "I've been here the whole time, lil bro."

Emma glanced at him, perplexed. "So you know when something is about to happen to me but not when its about to happen to you?" She was genuinely confused.

Eddie shrug again. "I guess so."

She fell silent at that, thinking. 

Rachel was waiting for them outside, along with Ryman. "Look who I found.

Ryman had an arm wrapped around Chris's neck, glaring at Emma. "That wasn't very nice you know?" He growled.

Violet watched with wide eyes. "Please let Chris go.." She begged.

Ryman ignored her, his gaze locked on Emma. "So what will it be, sweetheart? Will you marry me or am I going to have to kill everyone, starting with my brother here?"

Emma swallowed nervously.

"Don't do it, Em!" Chris spoke up.

"Shut up!" Ryman hissed, tightening his grip. He smiled at Emma. "Well? Will you marry me?" He asked her, trying to sound as sweet as he could.

Violet thought a moment, then she snuck off without anyone seeing her.

Emma opened her mouth to answer, then closed it again. "If I did, would you leave my friends alone?"

Ryman smiled. "Of course I would, honey."

Violet jumped on Ryman's back, wrapping her arms around his neck as tightly as she could. "Let him go!"

Ryman let go of Chris, then grabbed her arms. "Let me go!" He flipped her over his shoulder. "Did you really think that you're a match for me?"

Violet pushed herself to her feet. "I only needed to be for a second," she walked back over to join the others.

Emma smirked. "Oh, and to answer your question, I would not marry you if you were the last man on earth!"

Ryman glared at her. "Is that so? Well, that's just to bad." He whispered something to Rachel, who just nodded in agreement. "Come on, Rach, let's get out of here for now.. but we will be back." They both disappeared.

Emma sighed with relief. "We should head back.. maybe we should go to where you were staying, Vi. Because we lived with Ryman."

Violet nodded in agreement. "Sounds good to me."


Author's Note: If you think this story is over, it's not. It may sound like it is, but remember the phrase, 'calm before the storm' because that may come in handy here. Oh, and when this story is finished, there will be a sequel to it. Probably coming about June or July, when I'm hoping to have this story finished. *fingers crossed* Well, sit back and wait for the next chapter to come out.

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