Chapter 5: The Devil's Wedding

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Chapter 5: The Devil's Wedding

Flint Morgan

Confusion broke over him in serrated waves.

He checked his pocket to see the card from last night.

There, in his right pocket was the card. He took it out and analyzed it. It was a card for Smith & Johnson Law Practice.

That was impossible. He wasn't that drunk, right? Or was it all a nightmare?

Flint's eyes got wide as he looked back at the building.

It looked completely different than last night.

Flint was just about to chalk this all up to a nightmare, when suddenly his phone vibrated in his pocket.

Flint rubbed his eyes and looked at the message expecting it to be Jared.


It was from his bank. Curious. Flint scrolled down to the message.

Did you pay last night at 11:52, Blank Slate, 2.5 million dollars for a disappearing service?

What? This must be a prank. Very funny Jared.

Flint huffed and then looked at his watch "10:15", damn, he needed to get going.

Where was Jared? He said he'd be here. Rather than wait another minute, Flint called Jared.

The line trilled for a moment and then Jared answered, "Hey...who's this?"

" your brother, idiot. Am I going to be waiting for you for light years or what, Buzz?" he asked.

Jared acted like he just remembered it, "Oh wow... I'm so sorry... could you... can you get your own ride there. I'm already here."

Flint gave an angry growl over the phone, " Fine!" and then he hung up with a huff.

Angrily, Flint made his way to his apartment; a high rise building on Adams Street.

Yes, it was in a nice neighborhood and he wasn't missing much in the way of necessities.

However, it was missing one essential thing.

Family. The nonsensical chatter of Charlie. The family dinners.

God, he missed it all.

When Flint finally got to his apartment, he raced to get on his black tux.

A quick shower was an order from himself, to which he swiftly obliged.

Combing through his hair in the mirror, his eyes pleaded with him "Why are you doing this?"

Flint shook his head and continued to get ready.

Soon he was dressed like a high-class penguin.

Perking up the collar and combing his hair once more, Flint headed out the door to catch a subway.

A taxi was out of the question because traffic could make him late. His own car was back at his old house which Jared had moved into.

Flint would rather have him keep it than see them together again.

But... here he was preparing for their wedding.

He would see their big public kiss, and he could do nothing about it but watch.

Flint made his way to the subway with thoughts crunching under him as he walked.

What did happen last night?

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