Chapter 6: The Real Nightmare

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Chapter 6: The Real Nightmare

Katelyn Bishop

Katelyn shifted her weight on her foot, but demanded an answer with her crossed arms.

He only flickered there and stared at her with those big green eyes.

Like he was completely innocent.

He ruffled his hair, "I'm not doing anything."

Katelyn's brows narrowed, "Stop lying to me... you're... you're flickering." she said.

Fear escaped her lips in a cry as her blue eyes scanned every inch of him.

Looking for the truth on his face, she was left cold and empty at Mr. Jerkaholic's non-response. He scanned over her with the searching, but it looked as if he was deciding something.Katelyn looked around, no one had even noticed the Mr. Jerkaholic.

What the hell? Why was he just flickering there?

As Katelyn was stuck in perpetual wonderment, anger swelled in her like waves in a tsunami.

Her gaze became more intent as he flickered more, " How the hell are you doing that..." she paused, " I want an answer!"

Mr. Jerkaholic said nothing, he just ruffled his hair nervously.Katelyn came closer to him, inhaling his semi-woodsy scent and looking at his features closer.She looked into his dark sea foam eyes trying to wash away that tide of uncertainty and find the answers she searched for.

He let another long moment of silence go before Katelyn repeated again, "I meant what I said, I want to know... why are you flickering?"

As she hollered this out with intent, another man on the platform screamed at her.

"Hey! Stop yelling at yourself woman, you look crazy!" he yelled in a gruff tone.

Katelyn's eyes narrowed again as she turned back to the man, "First of all, this is none of your goddamn business and anyone who told you it was, they were lying."

She paused looking at the man and analyzed him with a smirk, "And second of all, you potbellied, grey haired nuisance, even if I was crazy, you couldn't stop my yelling. You're nothing but a bloated pufferfish with the common sense of a box of chewed of crayons. Just because your wife is cheating on you with the pizza delivery boy, does not mean you get to throw around your flubber like King Kong. This isn't goddamn New York so get off your Empire State building and stop howling like the ape we know you are," she said crossly.

A chuckle rose from green eyes and Katelyn rolled her eyes at him, " Glad you could chuckle at my expense."

The other man on the platform muttered, " Crazy lady!"

Katelyn directed her attention back to green eyes, who was looking at her with a gleaming look.

From cheek to cheek, he smiled a toothy grin.

He still flickered and Katelyn looked around at people practically looking through him. What if people couldn't really see him? A hand shot up to her mouth in attempt to cover a large gasp.

As Mr. Jerkaholic's saw her gasp, he looked down at his flickering hands and his eyes painted a wide sunset of surprise.

Katelyn stepped closer to Mr. Jerkaholic looking him straight in those haunted sea foam eyes.

She put her hands on Mr. Jerkaholic and for a split minute, the flickering stopped as the both looked at each other.

Katelyn sincerely said, " Who are you?"

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