Chapter 21: Life Without Flint

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Chapter 21: Life Without Flint

Jared Morgan

*note this chapter is also a special Jared chapter. He just loves all the attention. Hope you enjoy. Next chapter will be Flint's Pov ❤❤❤

Jared stood there in the rubble of his brother. Tears started to well in his steel eyes. Flint was gone. He was really gone. His brother had disappeared and he was just left there watching it all unfold.

He was helpless...he was more than helpless...he was now hopeless.

Jared chastised himself yet again for all of this, in his head.

He was supposed to be stronger than this...

But he wasn't.

He wasn't sure he ever was.

The truth was, even if his eyes "were" steel, he was now made out of straw. Every part of him could be blown away with a strong gust of wind. He was empty. Without Flint, he was nothing. He felt more alone than he ever had in his entire life.

His brother was his only real family. His parents just treated him like a machine. They forced him to work and work at that company...and day by day...he worked away his soul. Flint was the only one he really ever had...and now that was gone with the wind.

As he recounted it all in his head, the guilt burned a silent symphony everywhere in his shaking body. He knew had to do it now. No matter if Flint was here or not. He had to do what he promised himself he would.

Lifting his phone out of his pocket, he slowly dialed the numbers one by one.




His hands shook over the call button. The tears that welled in his eyes had broke free of their strains.

Finally he pressed the call button. The line trilled as Jared's heart froze in place. He shouldn't of done this...any of this. It all just felt wrong.

Jared was clouded with doubts but he was interrupted by someone answering his call.

A female voice spoke softly."911, what's your emergency?"

Jared held the phone to closer to his ear. "Uhhhhh...."

"Sir, are you okay? What's your emergency, sir?"

Her sweet voice was so eager to help him. He couldn't lie to her. Or anyone anymore for that matter.

He was sick of pretending. He needed to tell someone.

The phone went silent for a moment.

"Sir..." she questioned.

Jared cleared his throat and then hoarsely replied. "I killed them. Marilyn Bishop. Bob Silver. And Erin Bishop. I shot them all. I want to be arrested. I want to be tried. Please, just stop all of this guilt. Please," he begged. Tears slid down his eyes and his voice became more and more hoarse as he went on.

"What is your name, Sir?"

"My name is Jared Morgan." As he said that a loud gasp echoed from the other line.

"Okay, we triangulated your call and have your location. The police will be there in fifteen minutes."

Then, the dial tone signaled that she had hung up.

Jared sat on Katelyn's couch with his head in his hands. Over and over he saw it. The blood. The agony. The tears. It broke him.

He was a monster. He killed people. He took Marilyn's life and watched it drain from her eyes.

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