Chapter 8: T-shirts and Shapeshifters

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Chapter 8: T-shirts and Shapeshifters

Katelyn Bishop

Katelyn dragged herself out of her bed the next morning after the Phoenix dream. Her eyes dripped exhaustion. Her features seemed to gleam a perpetual yawn. The creased and ruined sheets of her bed seemed to want to pull her like a magnet straight back to its comfort. Her agenda had other plans however. Starting with her manila folder labeled "Flint Morgan".

Katelyn grimaced at the very thought of the man.


Did she really have to do this?

Complaints flooded her as the sunlight barricaded itself against her window in a heavenly glow.

As Katelyn was about to get ready, her eyes cast their line at her closet.

In the corner it laid there hanging in dissonance, reminding her daily of that one night.

Her skin crawled as she saw the pink unicorn t-shirt from her youth, doused in blood.

Practically sprinkling over the t-shirt with a memory she wished she could just forget.

Katelyn walked over slowly to closet eyeing the t-shirt, her skin crawled.

The blood spatter from the small child's t-shirt was unmistakable.

That night.

Quite possibly the worst night of her life.

A tear threatened her as her hands decisively pushed past the shirt to get an outfit for the day.

Katelyn looked at the classy dresses and skirts in question.

None of them seemed fit for a introduction to a millionaire, but then again, what was?

Katelyn stared at the folder currently presided on the corner of her mattress.

Her facial features sharpened and cracked at the thought.

Therefore, she settled for something simple just to spite him.

Let him see someone without a suit for once who won't bow down to his every whim.

With a shrug she chose a plain and blank white shirt with a pair of blue jeans.

Once assured that the mirror didn't crack at the sight of her, she half-smiled with her lips and headed to the door.

As she opened the door half an inch, a blonde woman appeared in the hallway like a strange mirage in Katelyn's current fit of exhaustion.

Katelyn's eyes narrowed as she wearily exited her apartment.

Her keys dug into her palm as her nerves dove skyward through the clouds on this beautiful August day.

Katelyn headed to the elevator and the blonde woman followed her, lurking in plain sight with a devilish smile toiling upon her lips

Katelyn eyed her suspiciously as she entered the elevator.

The woman smiled almost ingeniously. Her brown eyes caught fire on Katelyn's as they met glances from across the elevator. Katelyn politely smiled back but she was thoroughly creeped out. Her impatience practically threw a knife at her. She wanted out of this elevator and away from that blonde woman. The elevator could not be quick enough as Katelyn kept pressing on the button.

As Katelyn kept pressing on the button, she glanced back at the blonde woman who had changed to look exactly like her.

Her own black hair, blue eyes and facial features bore back into her.

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