Chapter 4

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   AOA! If you guys were wondering, who is the main character, well Iqra is. I thought I would clear that up because I've given Asma's POV as well.

Thank you for reading my book and don't forget to like, share and comment? Also vote! 😍ily all and if you want me to check out ur books then comment! I will inshallah! On with the book noww


    Asma told me everything already about the dreamy man whom was asking her hand in marriage. Astagfirallah, but she said she couldn't help it. I chuckle to myself. His name is Zayn. Zayn Haq. And her parents thought he was pretty good, with a great job and degree. He also seemed nice and was her fathers freinds cousins son, which explains a lot but really, he was cool and decent.

   Zayn works for Bell as an accountant manager, a boss. Heck, that's pretty good for a 25 year old. Yes he's 25, five years older than Asma. Which is good. I just can't seem to sleep now that I know I'm next.

   They tell me love is the best. Is it really? For me? I'll have to find out myself.


   At University there's a prayer room. A new system that started 4 days ago, since zuhr was now being earlier finished. The Boys lead the prayer, and we stand way farther in the room on a separate huge sheet that smells like dry cleaning. Anyway, there's a wall type thing which makes half of us not that visible.

   Me and Asma are like the only ones that pray full prayer, whereas the other couple of girls pray less than half. But, who am I to judge? I keep quiet about it.

   So as today I start in the name of Allah I feel eyes trailing on me.

Abdullah's POV

   She looks so peaceful reading prayers as a slight line forms at her forehead and her green eyes are looking down and are lost in prayers.Abdullah, what is this? Ugh. She's a modest girl and you lower your gaze this instant! I'm so stupid.

   After finishing my prayers, I find a few boys left that are praying 2 sunnah more but the rest ran off as usual. My friend, Raza, prays beside me. I look around and only that modest girl and her friend are praying all prayers. Wow, her prayers give me hope. Her and her friend are the only ones left.

   As they finish, her eyes meet mine and I quickly lower my gaze. I think I've seen her before..... yes! She's Sahils sister?! Oh my god she is Ahmed's friends sister!

Ahmed is my brother.

Oh my god.

The cutie is Ahmed's friend aka Sahil's.... sister.

That explains a lot..

   Wondering why I'm praying here? I finished university last year.

   The real reason is came to drop off lunch for my little brother, Ahmed, since it was my lunch break from work. Raza tagged along. Then it was time for salah so we prayed here.

   All I know, is, though, that she's my brother's friend's sister. And she's always hidden in the shadows, I bet I've only talked to her once or twice when we were little. She probably doesn't recognize, me, though. I will talk to mama and baba today. We will go today. I like her modesty and my parents will love it too. I just know it.

They have to.

   I pause through turning the key in the ignition as Raza arches an eyebrow at me. "Where are you lost?" He teases, and I bite my lip before shaking my head.

"Nowhere." I turn the key, and reverse out of the parking lot, giving the university one last hopeful glance.


Iqra's POV

   Why did that guy keep staring at me? He was so modest and handsome and a good Muslim. He had a slight light brown beard and light hazel green ish eyes. I feel like I've seen him before, since his gaze was familiar. I just can't put my finger on where.

I eat my dinner with my family and go upstairs to do my homework. I'm almost done now, just as my mom called my name, loudly.


"Yeah mama?" I run downstairs, to see what this commotion is.

"Iqra, a proposal is coming in today in an hour!! Sahib!!!" She calls. I gasp, my heartbeat coming in fast thuds.

"What!!!!??" Me and Sahil say. She nods quickly before wiping her hands on her clothes and smiling.

"It's Ahmed's older brother! Their mom, Shaheen, just called me." Mama waves the phone in the air and Sahil's mouth hangs open. "It's not really a proposal, I guess, more like a they like our daughter type of thing. A very, very formal dinner."

"What? Oh really? Oh my god that's great! I just got a text from Ahmed right now." He says, putting down his iPhone.

I can't believe it! Today? A dinner?? I feel so giddy I will explode.

   After cleaning, I choose out a nice white dress maxi and purple tights and a matching hijab. I wear simple gloss, eyeliner, light eyeshadow, and mascara. A couple of rings and I'm ready.

   By the time food is cooked, and everybody is ready, the door bell rings. I stay where I am, biting my lip and giving Asma a quick text.

   I stay in the kitchen as mom seats then and dad and Sahib keep them company. Not really do they ever come here. It's usually Sahib going to Ahmed's house.

  Mom calls me over as I look at Ahmed's mom. She has delicate light brown eye brows and a grin. She's decent and beautiful. Her hair, eyes and clothes all scream out perfect.

"Asalamoalaikum." I quietly say, sitting a few places away from her on the living room sofa.

"Walaikum as slam." She replies, fixing her hijab. "How beautiful you are! it's so good to see you."

"Jazakallah, auntie it's good to see you too. Sahib always talks about your delicious food and your decent ways and humbleness." Which is absolutely true. He always does. Auntie blushes and laughs.

"Oh, that boy is my sunshine." She smiles. At the other side are the boys and I will get to see them when I serve tea. "I've come for you this time, though. Will you accept an engagement or something of that sort with my son?" She asks sweetly.

   I give my mom a glance. My mom nods, smiling. " I will think about it."

"I'm sorry, where are my manners? I will tell you a bit about him. He's an engineer and he is twenty-five years old. But let's talk about something else, shall we?" And so me, mom and Shaheen Auntie talk about other things.

   After a while I go into the kitchen and make tea. I bring it in a tray. After the girls get theirs, I sigh deeply. This is it. I will see who this Abdullah is today, in a few seconds. I start heating up already as I quickly stride in with my gaze lowered.

"Asalamoalaikum, tea is here." I say modestly. I give it my dad, Uncle Umer, khalif, Sahil and Ahmed my classmate. At the end seat Abdullah sits. I tear my eyes away from the tray and look up. Oh my god! His green ish Hazel eyes deeply gaze into mine.

   That's the guy from the damn prayer room. That's the damn guy. Oh my god. That's too much to swallow in! "How many teaspoons of sugar?" I ask in a squeak.

I'm dying inside and I'm probably blushing so hard. My hand sweats and I bet my T-zone is showering right now.

"One teaspoon. And may I ask your name please?" He smirks.

"I.. my name is Iqra.." I mutter before giving him his tea. He smiles and looks away. I sigh with relief quietly.

"Mashallah. Your tea is amazing." Uncle Umer says. I mutter jazakallah before scurrying away.

Oh, my god.


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