Chapter 6

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     "So... you sent those bitches to fuck me up?" I said.
     Anna nodded with her head held high like she was powerful or something.
     "Why couldn't you just show up yourself, huh? Why you gotta send other people to do your dirty work for you?" I looked at her with a smirk on my face. I liked what this was leading up to.
     "Well, here I am, sweetheart." She said equally amused of this situation.
     There it was, my invitation. I walked up to her slowly. I got all up in her face, mine just inches away from her.
     "What? You gonna kiss me or swing at me?" She opens her arms wide as she waits for me to do something.
     I smirked again. "Your ass is fucked up now."
     That was the last thing I said before my fist went straight for her face. The force sent her into the stall door, but she instantly reached for my hair as I got closer. She started smacking my face like a cat would, and I started kicking her stomach. She refused to let go of my hair, so I grabbed her by the back of her shirt and sent her flying into the sinks. She fell to the floor. I then got on top of her and punched and smacked the hell out of her rapidly. She went straight for my hair once again smacking my face, but this time her legs started kicking the sides of my legs and turned our bodies to the side trying to get on top of me, but I wouldn't let her. Both of us were filled with energy and rage, neither one of us growing tired and still attacking each other with full force. Anna managed to push me off of her. I made it to my feet while she still sat in the floor. I took that opportunity to kick her body repeatedly just like her little friends did to me. I kicked her legs and went up her thighs. I kicked her the hardest going up her back and ended my kicking session with a hard hit to the face leaving a busted lip and possibly a bruise, but the fight wasn't over just yet. Anna grabbed my leg pulling me down with her. She grabbed my hair once more and started punching my face. Meanwhile, she stood up on her knees trying to pull me under her in which she succeeded. I started to feel very out of breath and dizzy, but I wasn't going to let her win. I still had so much rage in me. I didn't realize what I was capable of until what I did next. I grabbed the both of her wrists that were all up in my hair and squeezed down on them as hard as I could and pulled them away from me. I started pushing her away from me with all the force I had, and started getting onto my feet, and with the last bit of strength I had, I pushed her into the stall while watching her slip and fall hitting her head on the toilet. The stall slowly started closing as I watched her lay there in pain. I was panting heavily but satisfied.
"That's what you get you little bitch!"
Out of nowhere the bathroom door flies open as I see administration standing there in anger.
"What is going on in here?!" The grown man said.
He then looked over to the stall directly in front of me and noticed a pair of legs sticking out of it. He then rushed to the stall opening it to reveal the weak Anna. I still felt good despite the huge trouble I was about to be in. He helped her up and pushed both of us out of the bathroom and continued to push us through the halls until we made it to the office. I met the principal once again. I was well aware of his warnings the first time he told me and now it's settled. The principal has suspended me. Also Anna. We discussed what happened, and she admitted to fighting back, so we both got in trouble. What I was not okay with was that the principal made us hug it out and apologize to each other. I was far from okay with that, but I did it.
     After we settled the consequences, the real problem had started. The principal had called my mother to come pick me up. I almost forgot about my mother. Now I was a bit afraid. I knew I was going to get beat for this.
     Anna and I waited in the chairs outside of the office doors for our angry parents to show up. My mother showed up first. She noticed Anna and looked even more confused. Mother always knew Anna was my best friend. She clearly didn't know about our feud. She grabbed my arm dragging me out of the building. She pushes me in the car and stomps to her side slamming the door shut and quickly backing out of the parking spot. The whole car ride is filled with yelling and more yelling.
     "Jayda Joseph, what the hell is wrong with you!? You've caused so much trouble this school year!! Why are you being like this??!!! I'm gonna beat your ass when we get home!"
     I just sat there listening to her destroy my eardrums. When we get home, the whole time we were walking to the front door, she's spanking my ass hard, and I keep trying to stop her. Even when we get inside, she continues to smack it until I yell at her to stop. She tosses her purse across the kitchen table and yells at me to go to my room, and I simply listen, not wanting to cause anymore trouble. I go up to my room with tears filling my eyes. I'm not sure if it was because of the anger and stress or because of the pregnancy. Speaking of the pregnancy, all of a sudden I felt like I was going to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and relieved myself. I go over to the sink to wash my hands and wipe my face. I look at myself in the mirror and remember everything that happened today: Charles left me, Anna and I fought, I get suspended, and now what? What terrible thing is going to happen to me now? I just want to get it over with!
     Without realizing it, I started breaking down. I fell to the floor and cried my eyes out. I no longer had the thing I needed most, and I don't have a friend anymore. Charles was all I had. Anna was all I had. Now I have nobody. I'm all alone. I'm such a fuck up!

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