Chapter 4

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Before my parents were to come home, Charles had woke me up, and said we were going to his house. I had no clue how long we slept, but I didn't care. It was definitely worth it. I was thinking about the good ass nap I took while I sat at the edge of the bed and watched Charles go through my closet to find clothes and shoes.
"Do I have to bring clothes?" I asked.
"You're staying the night with me," he said as his voice came out as distant since his head was buried in the closet, digging through my shirts.
"Why do I need to stay over? We have school tomorrow."
He didn't respond to my question. I assumed he probably couldn't hear me well. However, he came back out of the closet with a pink top of mine, with a pair of blue jeans and my favorite white shoes and responded to my question. "I'm gonna take you to school tomorrow," he said, "and from now on."
"You don't have to do that," I said softly. I really wanted him to though. Being by his side every morning at school would be great.
He set the clothes down on the bed before standing in front of me. He looked down at me and grabbed my face with both hands. He tucked my hair behind my ear meanwhile speaking just above a whisper, "Every morning at school, I miss you. I want you by my side from now on. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." His words were spoken very softly. I felt like I was in a scene from Twilight or something. He then leaned down and kissed me slowly and deeply. This has to be my favorite kind of kiss. Charles broke the kiss and hurried to my dresser to find a bra and underwear. After everything we've done together, this no longer seemed uncomfortable to me. I rushed to the bathroom to get hygiene products, and by the time I packed everything, in an instant I was in Charles' arms while carrying the bag as he carried me out the door. I had no idea what time it was or when either of my parents would be home, but getting out of the house sooner rather than later would be a smart decision if I want to prevent getting in trouble again.
     We arrived at his place, and I attempted to walk but my leg was still in a lot of pain, so Charles carried me to his bedroom where he left me. He left the room closing the door behind him saying he'll be right back, so I laid there patiently. I took my shoes off, and I realized I was still wearing the same uncomfortable clothes from this morning, so I took off my pants and bra feeling much better. I completely covered myself with his very comfortable blanket that was always warm and smelled like him. I rubbed my fingers along the silk sheets and closed my eyes smiling to myself. My legs unconsciously move around under the blanket without realizing they were slowly removing the blanket. I was so lost in my mind, I didn't hear Charles come back. I felt his warm hand on my hurting leg, and it startled me. He chuckled at my sudden reaction, and I did the same. He kept his hand on my hurt leg moving it up and down, massaging it a bit.
     "Comfy?" He asked with his calming voice. I closed my eyes again and smiled and nodded at his question. He sat down at my feet still massaging my leg. After a minute, he lifted me up and placed me in his lap. His arm rested around my waist while the other hand laid on my inner thigh. He stared at me, but I didn't meet his eyes. "Look at me, beautiful," he said. I suddenly felt bashful. I smiled at the sound of his voice and the sweet words that came out of it. I looked in his eyes and just stared at him. Out of nowhere I began feeling butterflies flying all around in my stomach, and the reason why, Charles gave me the most beautiful and adorable smile I've ever seen. Nothing ever possessed me more than that gorgeous smile. He leans in and gives me a kiss, and I smile too. Without realizing it at first, Charles picks me up and carries me out of the room bridal style and speaks to me against my ear. "I'm gonna make you some food. I bet you're hungry." I dramatically groan in response. I was actually pretty hungry. He chuckled at me and placed a kiss on my cheek.
     Before he was to place me on the couch, I jokingly said, "I'd much rather eat you up." I then started laughing, but suddenly, instead of placing me on the couch while he goes to cook, he laid me down and hovered over me. He stood on his knees above me while staring down at me.
     "Oh really," he said while smirking, "you want me instead, babygirl." He spoke with cockiness all in his tone. I sat up smirking back at him and bit my lip.
     I replied with a simple, "Yea," before being pushed down into the couch. He went straight for my neck and I chuckled as he moved his kisses down to my chest before lifting my shirt revealing my bare torso. He continued down my body and stopped at my belly. He gave very light kisses on my belly and slowly rubbing it. I had almost forgot I had a kid growing in there, and it was his, it was ours. He lowered himself more towards my legs, but before I could let him go any further, I stopped him. I sat up kissing him while removing his shirt. "May I please you this time?" I intentionally said in a baby voice smiling big while biting my lips. He nodded and slightly smiled back at me. Amusement was clearly shown on his face when my dominance suddenly appeared. I slowly pushed him back into the couch and straddled his waist. I put my hands on his chest while kissing his neck, and I let my hands run down his body until my fingers reached his pants. I unbuttoned them and slowly crawled out of his lap onto my knees in the floor where I finished my dirty work. The rest of the evening was filled with burnt food, ugly laughs, and lots and lots of kissing. Nothing was better than this.

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