Chapter 8

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     So, I learned that chili makes me throw up. My little fetus doesn't appreciate it. It took me like 4 times of eating it to realize. Anyway, back to the whole story.

     We are now a month into my pregnancy. I'm starting my therapy sessions today which I'm slightly less excited about. I wake up really early on this Tuesday morning; 7am to be exact. I get in the shower, and after, I start changing into my clothes when suddenly I get a notification on an app that I hardly ever use anymore: Chattfeed. Chattfeed is the most popular social media platform like ever. Everyone has it. I stopped using it after, you know, my life turned to shit, but for some reason never deleted the app. Well, I get this message from a user named Gabrielle.

FabGab101: Hi! My name is Gabrielle! I just want you to know that I feel so bad for what you're dealing with. People are so cruel. But I want you to know that I am here for you if you ever need someone to talk to ;)

     Okay, so when did this Gabrielle girl know about my personal life? I go to my account and see that there are over 50 posts that I'm tagged in, and what the posts are... scarred me for life. Brady had taken pictures of me from the janitor's closets. He's kissing me and touching every part of me. He also posted photos of me getting dressed, and I am butt ass naked. Every post was captioned with the most disgusting praises.

"Damn she fine"
"When she gonna let me eat that pussy"
"Can't wait to be the next one to dick you down"
And so on...
     I looked at the comments on these posts and started crying...

"First Charles and now his best friend? You're a disgusting little slut"
"Brady get away from that thing"
"Ugly, disgusting, pathetic, whore, shall I continue?"
"She's so fucking desperate"
"Damn no wonder Charles left"
"Jayda do us all a favor and kill yourself"

"Kill yourself"

Kill yourself

     That comment echoed through my mind. What if...? What if I'm better off that way? I have no friends. Nobody gives a fuck about me. I can only imagine how much easier everyone's lives would be if I wasn't there anymore. However, that's not an option. I'm pregnant for crying out loud. I'm not gonna risk putting another life in danger, that's selfish of me. I go back to the message from this Gabrielle girl. I answer hesitantly.

Itz_jj71303: Thank you, that means a lot.

     Almost instantly there was a reply.

FabGab101: No problem! :) And remember if you ever need someone I'll be there. <3

     I took that as an opportunity to have someone in my life who would actually be there for me. I was still very cautious though. I was making sure not to let her words go to heart. I don't know her and she doesn't know me. Thanks, Charles, for letting my trust issues fly through the roof.

Itz_jj71303: Actually, if it's not too much to ask... there is a lot on my mind right now.
FabGab101: Sure what is it? Do you want to meet up? I live in Denver as well.

     That does sound like a good idea. I do want to see this girl in person to get a good idea of what she's like. Maybe I can trust her, but I don't know yet.

Itz_jj71303: Oh okay that sounds good:) I'll send you my address when I get home. I'm starting my therapy today.

    Dammit! Why did I tell her that?? She's gonna think I have serious mental problems or something.

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