2. Before Debut

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-1 week before your debut-

You already adapt your life in South Korea. You learn hanguel in a matter of 3 weeks when you were trainee, still learning it. You can understand what the other trainee were said, in korean which sometime you only kept quiet with the discrimination around you. Your dance teacher in the agency praise for your hardwork. Even the boss praise your quick witted ability. The debut is the reward that you have been waiting for. Think of it as a step to the next level. 

Now, you lay down on the practice room floor looking at the ceiling and think about your family back in your home country. You miss them, daily. Never once you forgot to call your parents and siblings. As then Blackpink enters. "Oh? Sunbaenim...you want to use the practice room? Wait, am I really practice that long...?", you ask, looking at his watch. "You've been practice hard I see", said Lisa. Lisa. in a way, is your dance mentor. She quite strict though but not really much. She always tells where are the part that you have mistaken and she corrected the part where you have done wrong. 

"well, you actually give a really useful advice, sunbaenim", You said. You then look at Jennie, which she look back at you, and she smile. "You look tired, you should rest", said Jennie. Should I go? I"m not gonna bothers you while practcing, sunbaenim", you said. "No, you can watch us practice. Just keep resting, ok?", ask Jisoo. You just  nod as the members start to practice. You never seen Blackpink practice before. Maybe now this will be your chance.

Blackpink start to practice dance and you amaze by their dancing. Maybe because of Lisa guided three of them? Even you don't know the side of Lisa that can actually take the lead in term of dancing. Who knows? She can be mentor in the future. Thats when you look at Jennie and shock by her beautiful face. You shook it off as the boss said that you can't date in this agency. Not even time limit of the ban like JYP agency. 

You keep watching them practice until you fall asleep. You did not know how long you've been in the practice room but you fall asleep. When you wakes up, you've been cover by a jacket. "Who jacket is this...? I need to get it back to it's owner...", you mutter. You wakes up, and check your phone. It's night time already. You must be really tired. 

You get up and walk out from the practice room and then you saw Jennie. "Jennie-sunbaenim?", you call out to her. "Oh, Y/N. I was about to wake you up. Oh! You have my jacket...", said Jennie. "Oh! This is your? Here, and thanks by the way", you said, bow. "It's okay. Are you on your way to your dorm? I think your dorm room is actually across to our, shall we go there together...?", offer Jennie. "Yeah! Sure, umm...okay then. Lets go?..", You accept her offer but nervously awkward. Jennie just chuckle. 

Both you and Jennie start to walk to their dorm. "So, Y/N/N. Can i call you Y/N/N?", ask Jennie. "Yeah, i'm okay with that", you said. "So, how your life now? I mean, you about to be a singer!", ask Jennie. "Tiring, like dead tiring but i enjoy it. Can't wait for my debut next week", you said excitedly. Jennie chuckle at the tiring part. "Yeah, it is quite tiring but in the end, it'sworth it..", said Jennie. "I agree with you on that, Jennie sunbaenim..", you said. "Just call me Jennie when we outside of the agency. You are older than me", said Jennie. "Yeah, sorry Jennie-sunbae- I mean, Jenine...ugh, this gonna be hard. I always formal to other people", you said. "So, i wanna know more about yourself. Did you study abroad before you come here?", ask Jennie. "Hmmm, as i remember, i have studied at Japan", you said.

"Japan?", ask Jennie. "Yep, 3 years! I even made friends there!", you said. "sound fun though, living in Japan!", said Jennie. "Well, it is but not the first day living there. Language barrier and all that. Somehow, I manage to learn japanese and my life there become a bit easier!", you said. 

"Any girlfriend?", she teases you. "Once, her name is Haruka. We broke up though because she pursue to be an idol back then", You said. "awww, sorry about that", said Jennie, feel abit guilty opening up the old wound. "No harm done. Jennie. We both end in good term!", you said. "did you two still contacting each other?", ask Jennie. "As a friend! She actually engage with an artist now! A good guy", you said. 

Both of you talk and talk until you both arrive at Jennie's dorm. "My dorm is actually behind your so, I'll see you tomorrow?", you ask. "Yeah, good night- wait, c-contact number! I..I want to..know what your contact number are...", said Jennie. "Oh! Umm, sure why not?", you smile as you give her your contact number. "T-Thanks!", said Jennie, waving at you as she enter her dorm while you smile. 

"She's not that bad....", you whisper. You walk passing Blackpink's dorm and then turn right to where your dorm are. 

-Jennie's bedroom-

She text you a 'good night' text and wait for your reply. 

You : sweet dream, Jennie

She just smile and put her phone beside her and goes to sleep. That night she dreamt about you...

2. Before Debut end

A/N : enjoy this chapter guys! hopefully you likes it :)

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