2 | Troubled Day

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Overdrive walks to his new locker and looks at it "Woah this has more space than my old locker back at Seattle" he said as he attached some old class pictures and his old Notebook in the locker and locks and closes it

He walks to his class while passing by some other students and saw Jess leaning on her locker and he walks to her slowly and looks at her "Jess?" He said in a confused tone and jess looked at him and said "Oh Hey, Why are you here? Don't you have a classroom to be in?" She looked away while eye rolling

Overdrive slowly walked away but Jess shouted at him "WAIT!!" Overdrive looked back at her with a confused look "What is it?" He replied and Jess looked around and said "I know a shortcut to our classroom" she looked at him with a Smirk but Overdrive replied "But do you even know the whole school?" Puts on his shades and said "Boom!! Burn" and walked away

Jess got angry and tackles him in front of the students "OH SO YOU'RE A LEGIT TRASH TALKER?! WELL HOW ABOUT YOU FRICK THE HECK OUT?!" she rapidly punches Overdrive on his hand but Overdrive pushed her away "I don't Hit girls..but you've just made a Conduit Mad" he said to her with an Angry face and the students shouted "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!"

Overdrive and Jess ran to each other like large battering rams but the  Principal suddenly walked to the hallway where the students were shouting at Overdrive and Jess Fighting and the Principal stomped her Feet and Shouted "FIRST DAY DETENTION!!" and Overdrive and Jess looked at the Principal with a nervous smile


Overdrive and Jess were at the Detention room and we're looking away from each other and the Detention teacher walked in the room while looking at both of them "First day of school, Fighting in the hallways? Seryusly?!" He said to the both of them as he sat down and starts tapping his pen on the table "You two will be here for 1 Hour until you learned what you did" he said as he slowly falls asleep and starts yawning "As soon..as I..take..a..na-" the teacher falls asleep on his table

Overdrive and Jess looked at each other angrily "So? It was your fault first" Jess replied with a sarcastic tone and Overdrive replied "Because someone suddenly got triggered to what I said~" he smirked at her and Jess gets angry a bit and Overdrive said "Easy there Jess, I was saying the truth" he eye rolled and whispered to himself "I swear that girl has some issues"

Jess heard what he said and threw a pencil at his head "Issues huh?!" She shouted waking the Teacher "Huh WHAT-?..." But suddenly falls asleep again and Overdrive looked at Jess with a smirk "See? Don't shout" he said and Jess pulled out a uno reverse card at him "Got' em" but Overdrive pouted a bit and said "welp you win~"


An hour has passed and detention was Over for them but the first class ended so they both went to their lockers like they joined in and one student walked to Overdrive "Nice fight with a girl, Dude you're top notch" the student smiled as he walked away but Overdrive smiled a bit

Jess on the other hand looked sad a bit and angry but calmed down "What am I doing with my life" she said as she walked to the girls bathroom and walked inside one of the stools and sighed

To Be continued...

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