11 | Online Chat

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It was Dismissal time again, Overdrive and Jess were waiting for the bus again and they were both still blushing from what happened

Overdrive slowly looked at Jess "So Uuuhhmmm...About what happened" he said while trying not to make Eye contact to her and Jess was still looking away from him while blushing "Yeah..let's just forget about it" she replied but Overdrive suddenly touched her arm and Jess suddenly looked at him "H-hey..what we you doing?!" And Overdrive realized he was holding Jess's arm and lets it go

"Shayt I'm really sorry" he blushed again and just looked away, Jess on the other hand wanted to pat his back again but sighed and looked away instead

The bus finally arrived and the bus driver opened the bus door and looked at them "Wow you two seemed separated this time, the last time I saw you were-" but Overdrive and Jess interrupted "We know!!" And they both walked in the bus and they're seated again together

Both of them were looking away from each other and just stayed silent but Overdrive looked at Jess and was gonna say something then the bus moved slightly to the right and he Accidentally kissed her...cheek

Jess felt his lips and blushed so hard and pushed Overdrive away "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!" She shouted at him as she was blushing and Overdrive was blushing hard as well and was speechless

Jess panted while blushing and just sat back on their seat, Overdrive closed his eyes while blushing and said to himself "I don't have feelings for her, I don't have feelings for her..Calm down..calm down.."

Jess heard what he said and was shocked and said to herself "Okay Jess..calm down...you heard everything but still..I don't have feeling for that idiot, It's not like I'm gonna date with him or something..hehe.." she slapped herself and just tried to calm down

A few minutes into the ride, the Bus finally stops at the Seattle Long House, Overdrive scooted out of Jess's way and looked at her "You.. Uuhhmmm..wanna chat later?" He asked to him in a bit shy tone while blushing and Jess replied while looking at him "Y-yeah.." she didn't realized she was biting her lip and was looking at him in a kinky way-

Overdrive was shocked a bit and just slowly walked out of the, the bus driver said to him "You're a lucky Guy to have a girl like her" and winks, Overdrive just replied "Oh shut up"

The bus driver closed the bus door and drove off to the next stop, Overdrive can't stop thinking on how Jess looked at him...he just walked back to his house while panting

An hour later, Overdrive was chatting with Pixel:

Seryusly dude? You Accidentally kissed her?! 🤣🤣

Shut up, Pixel but I'm guessing you'll die single 😏

Shut up Overdrive 😒, Anyways how's the ride home with her, hmm? 🙂

Well...when I got home and said I wanted to chat her...she looked at me...in a kinky way ._.

😐🤯 Wow... how did you feel though?

I bit kinky but felt uncomfortable-

Oh come on Overdrive I know deep in you that you now have feelings for her 😏

Shut up and alright I'mma head out, I'll just go eat some food cause I'm super hungry now

Lover Boy 😏


._. 😏 Triggered

And Overdrive putted his phone away and his phone suddenly rang, he checked the notification and it was a chat from Jess, He jumped a bit and was quiet excited and he checked it:

Heya Idiot 🙂

>.> The heck do you want?

Woah Easy~ you said that we could chat, remember?

I was gonna grab some food cause I'm so hungry right now-

Why don't you eat me instead~? 😏

Pardon? ._.

I Uuuhhmmm..Cya!!

*Jess is Offline*

Jess? ._.

Overdrive was shocked at what Jess said to him and he putted his phone away and just walked downstairs

Meanwhile in Jess's bedroom, Jess was regretting on what she chatted and shouted "AAAAAHHHH NOOO!! I DIDN'T MEAN TO REPLY THAT!!" And her dad suddenly barged in while holding a frying pan and said "Where's the enemy!? ", Jess was shocked and hid her phone "Oh Uuhhmmm nothing dad- hehe.." she replied and Jess's dad replied "Come on, Sweetheart don't shout, you know I'm always worried"

Jess smiled "I know dad, you always say that" she said to her dad and her dad walked back outside "And remember, when there's trouble, Just shout" her dad said and Jess replied "For the 100th time dad, I know~" and her dad smile and closed her door

Jess smiled and just squee a bit on her pillow "I Seryusly hate myself for this-"

To be Continued...

Holy Shayt this is the longest chapter I've made :0 I am Shooked..but anyways hope you love it peeps 💜💜

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