17 | Duo Trouble

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"Okay class, You'll be doing a Home Duo Project that's going to be passed Tomorrow, You class decide who you will pick as your member, Good luck and Have a great time on the project" The teacher as the School Dismissal Bell Rang



"Class Dismiss" The teacher added as he walked out of the classroom and the students grabbed their stuff and bags and walked off the hallways and out of the school

Meanwhile the 4 Friends were talking about the Home Project, "Okay, me and Pixel are group mates and You and Moonlight are group mates" Overdrive said to them about his idea

But Pixel had an idea all along "How about Me and Moonlight are Group mates while You and Jess are Group mates" He said to them as he smirked at Overdrive but Overdrive and Jess were suddenly blushing after what Pixel Said

Pixel Chuckled and added "I hope you two have fun" he smiled and suddenly Harmony shouted between the 4 Of them "Heyo!! Did you guys have a Duo Project as well" she excitedly said to them and saw Jess blushing "Uuhhhmm what's wrong with Jess?" She added

"Well We had an idea on Grouping Overdrive and Jess, cause you know... They're in a relationship" Moonlight said with a tease and Overdrive and Jess said to her "No we're not!!" And they both looked away from each other

Meanwhile Harmony guessed what Moonlight Said "Oooohhhh I Get it" she said and Jess looked at Harmony with a Glare and said "No"

And Harmony just looked away

[A Few Walks Later]

"Alright you two, will leave you now, I'm going to Pixels house for the project, how about you Jess?" Moonlight said to her and Jess didn't say anything and just Blushed even more

"How about to my house-" Overdrive interrupted and slapped himself "Nevermind..." He added and looked away while Blushing as well

Moonlight smirked "Fine, Jess? You should go to Overdrive's house for the project" she said to Jess and Jess suddenly looked at her and screamed "WHAT?! NO NO NO NO" She shouted at moonlight and Moonlight calmed her down "Sssshhhh I know you'll be okay with it" she said as she patted Jess's back "alright I'm gonna go now, you two should be okay with it now" she added as she walked off to Pixels house

Jess and Overdrive were both quietly waiting for the Bus again and they didn't notice...there hands were close to each other [OwO], Jess slowly looked at Overdrive and Was going close to him and suddenly her hand was on top of Overdrive's hand, Overdrive looked at his hand and Jess looked at her hand as well, and they both suddenly looked at each other while blushing "This is awkward..." They both said at the same time and closed their mouths "Come on just stop it!!" They both said at the same time "STOP!!" and for the third time
"S T O P!! I T!!" And for the fourth Time

And they both tackled on the Waiting bench again and the bus suddenly arrived and stoped infront of them and the bus driver opened the bus door and looked at them "Awwwww it's you two again"

And Overdrive and Jess stopped tackling and just walked in the bus and sat beside each other

And the bus driver closed the bus door and said to them "You two are such cute Lovebirds"

And Jess and Overdrive both shouted "NO!!" And looked away at each other while blushing and the bus driver chuckled and drove off to The First stop

To Be Continued...

Sorry if it took awhile to publish a new part, but here it is OwO, A Two Chapter Special 💜💜

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