16 | Pixel's Idea

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Overdrive was carrying Pixels knocked out body back to class and said to himself "Geez how come someone so smart and small can be light to carry" he chuckled and Pixel suddenly murmured "Hmmm...What the heck happened..." He said as he rubbed his head and sees himself being carried

"Oy!! Put me down!! Who's carrying me?!" He added as he tried to shake off and he saw Overdrive's face "Oh...Hey.." he said to Overdrive

"Hey, you've been knocked out" he replied to Pixel and doesn't want to sound obvious that he was the one who knocked him out

"It was you, huh?" Pixel said to Overdrive with an annoyed face "Can you pls stop knocking me out?" He added and Overdrive replied "Fine I promise, but you can easily be carried though" he added while carrying Pixel

"Just put me down!!" Pixel shouted and Overdrive just dropped him on the floor "Ow!!" Pixel said in pain but Overdrive said "You're on your own"

And Pixel just followed him while in pain "You'll pay for this later" he said quietly

Meanwhile, the girls are talking to each other while walking to their class and they didn't even realized Overdrive and Pixel are Gone

"Huh..I guess they walked off without us" Jess pouted and Aww'd but Moonlight patted her head "someone suddenly missed her Future BF" She said as she smirked and Jess gave her a Glare "The fuck did you just say to me, Moonlight?" She said in a scary time and moonlight looked away and whistled

Harmony chuckled at them and said "You two should easy down with the teasing, one of you would rage" she didn't realise that Jess was looking at her with an Angry face and Harmony looked away and whistled as well

[A few walks later]

Harmony walked to his classroom "Alright this is my stop, Cya guys at Dismissal?" She said to them and Jess and moonlight nodded and they both said "Yeah sure" and Harmony replied "You two did the twin thing again" she chuckled and walks to in her classroom

Jess quickly runs to their classroom door and shouted "FIRST!!" and moonlight chuckled and walked to her "Oh Jess" and they both walked in the classroom and they were both late and the teacher was looking at them angrily "Miss Raven and Miss Ascuncion, pls go to your seats, I'll give you both a chance this time" the teacher said with an angry tone

Meanwhile in the Back Seats, Overdrive felt bad for Jess for being late again and didn't realizing he was Pouting sadly and Pixel was looking at him "Ahem" pixel said to Overdrive quietly

But Overdrive didn't heard him and was still sadly pouting at Jess and said "Poor Jess..I hope I can help you" and Pixel heard what he said and he smirked and had an idea "Hehehehe" then Overdrive looked at him and Pixel looked away

Overdrive just sighed and smiled and just looked at Jess again while pouting

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