15 | A New Friend

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"Alright students, class dismissed and it's lunch time as well" The teacher said to them as he walked out of the Classroom

Then Overdrive suddenly woke up from his nap "Huh what?.." he said to himself as he woke up and pixel looked at her "Good job, for sleeping the whole class" he said sarcastically while clapping his hands quietly

Overdrive Rubbed his eyes and yawned and replied "Sorry..." And he looked at Jess who's talking to Moonlight

On the other hand, Jess and Moonlight where talking about the Duo project the Teacher assigned to them "Okay I'll bring the Designs and other stuff, and you'll bring the heavy ones" moonlight said to Jess but Jess looked at her in disagreement

"Why am I gonna bring the heavy stuff? You already know I'm a lazy person" she replied and pouted

"Well if you could just train and Exercised, you wouldn't be lazy" moonlight Replied

Jess had nothing to say and just sighed "Fine..you got me" she said to moonlight and chuckled a bit "now let's go to the cafeteria, I'm getting hungry" she added and stood up

And moonlight Followed, Meanwhile Pixel looked at Overdrive and snapped his finger infront of Overdrive's face "Oy!!" He shouted at him and Overdrive came to his senses and shaked his head "Woah! What the heck pixel!" Overdrive replied to pixel

And pixel replied "Are we gonna eat or not? The girls already left" with a sarcastic face, and Overdrive chuckled "Fine let's go, I hope we won't bump to anyone new here as well" he said to himself as they both walked out of the classroom and to the Cafeteria

[Few Minutes Later]

Overdrive, Pixel, Moonlight and Jess were sitting on their seats while eating their food and suddenly a Girl walked to them and said "Can I sit here with you guys?...the other seats are full.." the girl said in a nervous tone

And pixel said "No-" and Overdrive shut pixels mouth and quickly added "-Way... you're the new student right!?" Overdrive said with a smile "Well...yeah but I'm just a transferee-" the girl replied and Overdrive looked at Pixel with an Angry face "Dude.."

And pixel just shrugged and pulled Overdrive's hand away and the girl said "So...should I sit here with you guys?" And Jess replied "Yeah sure, we're fine when new students sit with us" and the Girl smiled and sat on the chair with them "So what classroom number are you guys in?" The girl asked and Moonlight replied "The four of us are in Room 304"

The girl was Shooked and replied "Wow!! My room is next to all of you, mine is 305", Jess and Moonlight was impressed and Wow from what the girl said

Meanwhile Overdrive and Pixel were talking about the new girl "I think we shouldn't trust her" pixel said to Overdrive but Overdrive replied "Oh come on, she isn't that bad" and pixel just looked at the girl suspiciously

The girl breathed in and said to them "So I'll introduce myself..My name is Harmony Melody but You guys can call me Harmony, I'm a transferee but also I hate suspicious people"

Overdrive realized on what Harmony said and Hid Pixels suspicious look at her

Harmony smiled and said "can I know your names Guys? Just so I can trust you all"

Moonlight smiled and replied My name is Moonlight Raven, but you can call Moonlight"

And Jess added "My name is Jessica Amanda Ascuncion, But some people call me Jess for short, so yeah..you can call me Jess"

And Overdrive added "My name is Overdrive Infamous Hero Akomish Conduit...sorry if it's a long Name, but you can call me Overdrive, OD, Overdork...and Anything that comes to your mind...but has my name on it-"

And Pixel laughed  "Overdork!!" then Overdrive knocked him out and Harmony was shocked and scared and Overdrive looked at her "his name is Pixel" he said to harmony as he chuckled

Harmony chuckled as well "Shall we eat? I'm getting hungry from all of this talking"

And the three of them replied at the same time "Yeah!!"

And harmony Said "You guys did the Twinsies thing" and smiled

Overdrive replied "Less talking more eating"

Jess replied to Overdrive "Shut up Overdork",Overdrive just didn't say anything and ate

To Be Continued...

Well I hope you peeps liked it, After 15 Chapters and many more to go OwO 💜

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