Chapter 1

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April 4th,2020
Hiya this is the first chapter to The King and Queen of Disaster
I hope you enjoy!

Hi, my name is Lilith but everyone calls me Lily. I was born on the ark 4 months and 16 years ago. My mother worked in farm staion and my father was an engineer.
About 7 years ago they contracted a sickness from newly created algie that my mother was working on, it was supposed to taste and look didn't, it killed my parents.
Right now I'm strapped to a chair on a drop ship.
Why, you may ask? Simple I'm a criminal.
Exactly a year after my parents death I tried to kill 3 guards, 2 farm staion workers and 2 by- standers.
My weapon of choice happened to be a vile of the deadly algie.
They only lived because they were given treatment right away unlike my parents.
They put me in solitary confinement after 2 years of fighting and arguing with other prisoners and guards and my old teacher Pike.
Anyway here we go!

The drop ship rattled and shook and I grabbed my seatbelt tighter looking at the wall across from me. I saw a boy around my age 15,16,17 maybe younger but I doubt it. He glanced over at me noticing my stare.
"It's not nice to stare"
"People tend to stare at ugly things"
"Suck it up"
He smirked at me and I returned it.
"Here now princess what's your name"
"Lilith Wolfblood, no one calls me that though, they mostly call me Lily or Wolf, what you call me is up to you"
"Jonathan Murphy, call me Murphy"
The ship shook once more and a boy seeming to be speaking to himself then anyone else said
"That must be the parachute"
I glanced back over at Murphy and he seemed be examining me
"Your the chick that poisoned 7 people in one night by giving them the wrong algie to add to there rations"
"The one and only"
He nodded seeming satisfied he figured me out.
There was another bang and then everything went quite...we made it.
People unbuckled they're seatbelts and began to climb down the ladder, I was on the top of the ship, the third floor.
I glanced over at Murphy, his eyes met mine and we both had the same smile on our faces. Boy oh boy did I underestimate earth.

Me and Murphy scrambled down the ladder and when we reached the bottom someone yelled about air being toxic but I wasn't really listening. Actually I didn't pay attention to anything but the switch to open the door.
And then the door opened.
A girl walked out onto the platform the open door created and jumped off into the grass.

"WE'RE BACK BITCHES" she screamed throwing her arms in the air and with that everyone ran out into our new home, our new world.

The first thing I done was gather wood while everyone else jumped around and ran off together.

I heard a blonde girl that I recognize as Clarke Griffin began talking about a 20 mile trek to Mt. Weather, a bunker there was supposed to have food and supplies to help us.
With that I walked out of the group of people and made my fire with sticks and some grass.

Then I heard arguing...
"Hey look everybody it's the Chancellor of earth" Murphy said pushing Wells the Chancellor's son.
"You think that's funny?" Wells asked surius
Murphy then kicked Wells off his feet.
"No but that was.
Wells got back up and limped lifting his fist ready to fight. Murphy faked a swing before chuckling and provoking Wells to take a punch at him, as he was about to Spacewalker had to jump off a rail on the drop ship and stop the fun.

"Hey, I was watching that" I said throwing my arms up and Murphy turned and gave me a smirk and Finn just glanced at me.

"Kids got one leg, how bout you wait until it's a fair fight" he said directly to Murphy and I.
Murphy rolled his eyes and walked away. I went back to my fire and just listened to conversations. From what I heard Clarke, Spacewalker, Octavia the girl from earlier, Google boy and Monte he was in my class are leaving for Mt. Weather.
"Hey, Wolfie"I heard the same deep voice from the drop ship.
"It sounds cuter than Wolf" I giggled and tossed another log into the fire, a couple other people including me are trending to it and making it bigger so everyone can sit around it.
The sun is going down and it's been pretty quiet since the group has left to find Mt. Weather. A girl came over and began to yell at Murphy and his friend Mbege for removing they're wristbands. I only noticed then that the wristband was removed.
Murphy looked over at me raising an eyebrow
"Can you take mine off?" He smiled and nodded before grabbing a long strip of metal, then then drove it under my wristband
I winced in pain as it popped off and Murphy held it up
"Now we get others to take em' off" He looked me in the eye
"And I'm sorry for hurting you"
I shook my head and took the band looking at it before tossing it in the fire.

It's around 10 and I'm tired so I decided to sleep in a hammock that I made and hung in the drop ship
"Night night Wolfie" I had my back to the fire but I knew who it was
"Night night Murphy"
I then ran off into the drop ship to tie the ripped parachute into my hammock.

The King and Queen of Disaster(John Murphy)Where stories live. Discover now