Chapter Eleven: Fiery Passion

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A/N: My 'eh' drawing. I think it looks better irl but I tried my best to edit it.

Poland's POV

Germany and I worked on copying down the pictures and information of the staff. Japan helped us with drawing the pictures. I stole a glance at Germany. He had a serious expression on his face, and the light from the window glanced off of his glasses. He noticed me staring and looked up.

"Do you need something Poland?"

"Yeah, you." I said flirtatiously. Japan giggled, and Germany turned to face me.

"Uh, sure. Vhat do you vant me to do?"

Japan and I facepalmed. Germany just looked confused at our reaction. He shrugged and turned back to work. I sighed. Japan tugged on my arm, and I took the cue to leave the room with her.

We went out of earshot of the others, I assumed she wanted to tell me something she didn't want everyone else to hear.

"Poland, do you have a crush on Germany?" She said bluntly.

"Yeah, but I don't think he likes me back!" I vented. I was pretty frustrated, I felt like I was making my crush pretty clear, but it seemed that he didn't really share the feelings that I had for him. I sighed dejectedly, and Japan patted my shoulder.

"I think he does like you back, but he is too shy to say it. You should tell him directly what you think about him!"

"That's a great idea Japan!" I felt more confident with her support. "Can you help me out?"

"Of course Poland-kun! I'd love to help!"

We shook on it, and walked back into the room. Germany was still diligently working, his face scrunched in concentration. It was cute. Japan whispered in my ear.

"Go up to him and ask to hang out with him in the garden. I'll make you guys a dinner!"

I nodded and walked up to Germany nervously. He looked up at me questioningly.

"Hey, um, you want to, um, hang out in the courtyard for dinner with me?"

He blinked in surprise. "Vhy, sure Poland. I vould love to."

"Great! I'll see you there!"

"Just one question."

Oh no. He's going to ask me why, isn't he? Oh man, I'm not quite ready for this yet!

"Vhat time?"

I repressed a sigh of relief. "Oh! Of course! Um, how about 6:30? Does that work for you?"

"...Poland...Ve have the same schedules. If it vorks for you, it vill vork for me."

I flushed. "Oh, yeah! I forgot!"

He laughed, something that rarely happened. It sounded nice. I wanted to make him laugh like that even more.

The bell ring for our next class broke me out of my dreaming. I jumped, startled by the sudden loud noise.

"Vell, see you then Poland."

"Y-yeah. See ya."

After school...

I walked with Japan to the garden/courtyard. She talked to me while I carried a basket and a picnic blanket. I didn't know what was in the basket, because she had packed it, but she assured me it would be really romantic. 

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