Chapter- 3

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Manik walked towards Nandini and spoke wile cupping her cheeks in his palms gently..

Manik: What's wrong Lilliput..?

Nandini (sniffed): Nothing..

Manik (sighed): Lilliput, don't lie. I know something is wrong with you. Also, why are you crying, if there's nothing..?

She nodded in No with her eyes down and he forced her to look up while wiping those tears..

Manik (softly): You promised to share everything with me..

She stared in his eyes to see them pleading making her to spill her worries out..

Nandini: Am I irritating you..?

He looked surprised with her question..

Manik: Kya mathlab..?

Nandini (sniffed): You don't even know English, now. I meant, kya mein tumhe irritate kar rahi hoon..?

Manik shot a dirty glare to her..

Manik: Of course, I know English, Lilliput. I meant, why are you asking such a stupid question now..?

Nandini: Its not stupid..

Manik (pissed): Pehle tum bolo pooch kyu rahi ho aise sawal..?

Nandini (guiltily): Because, the way I'm torturing you is quiet a proof for me to know that I'm irritating you.

She looked in his eyes to see them glaring at her..

Nandini (innocently): Mein bohath tang karthi hu. Hai na..?

He smiled adoringly at the way she asked him if she's irritating him or not. He planned mentally to gift his baby once he/she comes out for letting him watch this cute Lilliput which he always craves to, but she never let that tigress side of hers aside, given an improper childhood.

Manik: Haa na. Bohath irritate karthi ho tum..

He made a saddened look on his face and Nandini being highly affected by her mood swings took it to heart. She looked down not able to meet his gaze..

Nandini: Sorry...

He pulled her to him while wrapping her in his arms and stroked her cheek bones..

Manik: For what..?

Nandini (meekly): Tum mujhse ithna pyar karthe ho ki bina kuch kahe bhi you take care of my every wish aur mein kithna tang karthi hun. I'm such a bad wife.

He kept a finger on her lips halting her rants in the middle..

Manik: Did anyone ever tell you that I'm really a possessive person..

She was still busy in sniffing when she heard him making her to pout confusedly..

Nandini: Why would I need someone to know that. I know that fact.

Manik (glared): Then, you should also know that I don't like when you get yourself away from me..

Nandini: But, when did I do it..?

Manik: What you're doing is the same thing that I said, Mrs. Malhotra.

She was about to speak again when he glared at her making her to look away in anger. He sighed and forced her to look at him..

Manik (smiled): Pyar karthi ho mujhse..?

She snapped her head at him in a glance to glare at him..

Nandini: You know I hate it when you ask me such questions..

Manik (chuckled): Tabhi tho pooch raha hoon. Bas bol dho..

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