Chapter- 10

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The real power of a man is in the size of the smile of the woman sitting next to him

(The Unknown)

A man is powerful only when he has his support beside him, who can either be his mother or his love. Whoever it is, that's a woman and her smile makes you aware why he's so powerful. Love could make anything possible.

In Healthy Life Hospital

Nandini was on her rounds. Its her 8th month and she's gained weight much to her annoyance as Mukti and Reeha have started to pull her cheeks more now.

Nandini: Ann, could you get me a cup of coffee? I'm too tired, now.

She spoke to the receptionist, who nodded at her immediately before rushing to get coffee for Nandini.

Nandini: Huff! You've started to trouble me, more.

She spoke when she felt her baby kicking from inside. Well, its not the first time, the Li'l one is kicking but since she's in her 8th month, baby has started to trouble her more than required.

Ann: Mam, your coffee!

Nandini thanked Anne and was about to move ahead.

Ann (concerned): Mam, stop walking, now. You look a lot stressed.

Nandini (sighed): Well, that's because, even my baby is a lot like his father, loves to trouble me.

Ann chuckled hearing her.

Nandini moved ahead while passing a smile to Ann only to get bumped with someone.

Nandini: I'm so sorry, Aadit.

She spoke while biting onto her lips on seeing coffee stinks from her cup of coffee, on Aadit's white shirt.

Aadit (smiled): Its fine, Nandini!

He was back from a business tour which lasted for 4 months and this is the first time he's seeing Nandini in the last 4 months.

Nandini: was your tour, Aadit?

She spoke just to have a normal conversation and can get back to her cabin.

Aadit (grinned): It was awesome. I got to find something new in that country.

Nandini smiled back at him.

Nandini: Well, I gotta go. Its time for me to get back home. And, thank you for accepting my request.

Aadit: Oh come on, Nandini. I know how hard it is for you to work in this condition, so accepting your request for decreasing your working hours should have been done by myself without you asking for it.

This time, she had a genuine smile on her face. She agrees, that he annoys her with his sweet behavior but that doesn't stop her from believing that he's a good friend to his friends.

Nandini: Still, you deserve a 'thanks'.

Aadit: Fine, I'm taking it. Between, baby has grown up.

He pointed at herself hesitatingly, and she understood he was speaking about her bulged out belly.

Nandini: Yeah, its my 8th month.

Aadit (surprised): Oh my God, really! How are you managing to work?

Nandini (casually): Its not that difficult. I get tired only in the last working hours.

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