Chapter- 9

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When I tell you I love you, I don't say it out of habit. I say to remind you that you're the best thing that ever happened to me

(The Unknown)

Sometimes, you say a lot of 'I love you's' to your partner. The one who hears it out should understand its just the way of his/her expression of love. One who doesn't fail to notice it, is lucky to fall in love because he/she knows that feeling, in deep.

Outside the Women's SPA

Manik walked towards where Alya was standing but then stopped in the middle on remembering Nandini's face. Whatever the plan may be, he knew she's not at all liking her own plan. Also, Alya is that lady whom he used to be in relationship with. Seeing him with her would create a twist in her heart which he won't be able to digest.

To plus it, he hates Alya Saxena to the core reason-for making him feel like a fool in front of her silly tricks that she used to make him fall for her!

Manik stopped walking and then looked here and there in discomfort. He took a deeo breathe and started walking again and when he felt like Alya's gaze fell on Manik, he looked the other side and curse Dhruv Vedant as he's the main reason for him being in those situation.

Manik (thought): I can't do it. This is so not me. I don't do all these stuffs. Like seducing?! Lilliput bhi patha nahi kya kya sochke rehthi hain.

Nandini, stared at Manik from afar and shook her head while slapping her forehead.

Nandini (muttered): Nahi hopaega mera sanskari Grumpy coffee se!

While for Alya, on seeing Manik after a long time, the lust that she still has for him started to come out but he stood a lot distant from her.

Cabir hissed in frustration and took his mobile out and made a call in Manik's mobile.

Manik: Why ar..

Manik, who was already frustrated got confused when he saw his mobile ringing where Cabir's name was showing as the caller ID. He picked it up to clear his confusion when Cabir interrupted rudely.

Cabir: Bhai! How can you even think like that? Your married life is just destroyed.

Manik and Nandini widened their eyes on hearing him.

Manik: What the f*** are you even saying? When did my married life got destroyed?

He yelled in frustration and this just increased Alya's hope to have Manik as her's.

Cabir: Your wife seriously needs a treatment for sending you there. I mean, which wife does?

Manik (seethed in anger): Shut the f*** up, dude! Not a word agains...

Cabir (interrupted): Bye Bhaiiii!!

And he hung up on the call after seeing Alya approaching Manik but he was soon awarded with a punch by Reeha.

Reeha: What the f*** Malhotra?! How dare you even say something against my Di?!

Nandini pulled Reeha back and gave a smirk to Cabir.

Nandini: Nice plan, Bhai!!

Cabir managed to smirk as he was still rubbing his stomach where Reeha just punched and Shravan felt pity for him while Nandini narrated what exactly Cabir's plan was to Reeha and Mukti who grinned sheepishly at Cabir and Reeha muttered a 'sorry' to him.

Alya: Hi Manik!

She greeted with her honey-filled tone once she reached Manik and he snapped his head at her in surprise on seeing her this close to him.

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