Chapter 6: Decisions

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Last night was difficult!

After several failed attempts to track the joker or Gavin, Dad decided that it as better if we stay with them for timing.

Not that I don't stay here anymore but I prefer my apartment.

Since I don't have any option right now I decided to stay with them for sometime. I have to be careful though, I don't want them to be worried about this baby anymore. They are already worried about mom's health for the past few years.

Just last year we found out that her case was progressing and there are around 28 percent chances of her being able to walk again. Which is quite a progress because initially there were hardly any chances of her to move her legs. However, we need to take proper care and she is not supposed to be stressed.

But with the baby, things are 110 times difficult. She would wake up again and again and would also wake mom up. So I rushed into the room and decided to bring her in my room. Though I was sort of scared of handling her when she wakes up again, but surprisingly she was quite good and slept immediately after taking a few sips of milk.

I think Mom is right, she is a deep sleeper but she might just be nervous because of new surroundings.

I sighed looking at the clock before staring at the baby again.

It's 8 in the morning. Normally I would be rushing to work but right now things were different. I called Mabel to inform her that I won't be available today and they have to manage on their own. She was surprised because it was so unlike me to skip work especially when we have a major event coming up. But I knew I could trust them with this event, since most of the things are already handled and the only work left was to monitor everything and cross check.

I sighed before getting up from the bed and kept two pillows on both of her sides.

I need to think of a name...

I was about to move towards the washroom when I saw Maria, peeking inside my room. I smiled at her. She is the main reason that mom is feeling better. She is like a family to us. She smiled back at me before entering.

"You need to check if she's comfortable." She wispered to me before moving towards the baby.

She covered her with the blanket properly.

I smiled a her while she kept looking at the baby before looking at me.

"Ma'am called you for breakfast." She said smiling before leaving the room. I nodded before moving towards the washroom.


The breakfast was surprisingly quiet with Dad and Aiden making small conversations about Gavin.

Soon after breakfast Maria took Mom in the garden for a massage while I stayed with Dad and Aiden. They told me that they spoke to the people at the ophanage again but they had no clue about anything.

I sighed. This was something I have been hearing since yesterday.

We were all disturbed from our discussion when we heard the baby crying. I rushed into the room and tried pacifying her. Surprisingly she kept quiet and started staring at me.

Why would someone just do that to her? She is so small to hurt someone. What kind of stupidity is this?

Before I could get her milk bottle, she slept again and I gently placed her on the bed. I realized that Dad and Aiden were also present in the room.

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