Chapter 17: Fussy Baby

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Thank you @emjay321, @TaylorLeblanc7, @Quatika, @TheGrimReaper_08 and @TagoiTaape for all the support ♥️♥️


Moving around the decked up venue, I sighed for the 100th time today.

Sophia woke up at around 4 in the morning and she's been fussy since then. Seb and I tried almost everything. I checked her temperature to see if she caught some flu or something.

We had an early appointment with the doctor today who said it might be due to her stomach being upset. She prescribed some medicines for her and said that she would be good by tomorrow.

But the fact that I have an important event today, didn't help at all. I really wish I could stay with her...

I had to reluctantly leave for work leaving the two of them by themselves.

Even though she was sleeping when I left, I could not help but feel restless.

Seb didn't call me yet, which mean there isn't any problem. But that still doesn't make it right.

Why did it have to be on the day of the party?

I wish I could see her before the party, but I know that won't be possible.

Seb took her to his parents house and their house is in the opposite direction to our venue. I don't really have enough time to finish my work here so that I can go see her. I have to get to my apartment to get ready and I really cannot afford to be late.

So I'll only get to see her tonight, after the party, which is frustrating me right now.

I smiled at the picture Seb sent me a few minutes back. She was sleeping on his chest, holding his t-shirt as he held her. The picture had a cute caption saying She's getting her beauty sleep and completely calm now. You should relax too♥️

Sighing I placed my phone back in my pockets before checking the lighting and decorations once again with Mabel by my side. Martha and Brandon were checking on the food arrangements while Andrew and Carl checked the decorations of the stage where Mrs. Rodriguez is supposed to perform. Ian and Anna were checking on Mr. Rodriguez who was already in a room of the hotel, discussing their grand entry at the party.

Once all the arrangements were done, all the girls left to get ready, while the guys stayed back. We have two rooms booked in this hotel for them to get ready.


Once reaching home, I called Melissa. Since Seb was with Sophia, I didn't want his ringtone to disturb her.

"Hey Andrea, you don't have to worry. She's doing fine now." She said as soon as she answered the call.

"Oh Thank God! I was so worried." I said, relief passing through my veins as I heard that.

"How are you preparations going?" She asked after chuckling at my response.

"All good. Where are they now?"

"Well, Sebastian took her to his room. Let me check on them and I'll get back to you."

"Yeah okay. Thank you so much Melissa."

"Oh sweetheart, you don't have to thank me for anything."

Smiling I disconnected the call and moved to take a shower before getting ready.

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