Chapter 3 - Arriving in London

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Hi guys, i hope you are liking the story so far. I just want to say thank you to Gagan and everyone in the directioners group chat on facebook messenger because now i have people i can talk to about one direction and than you to Shimmer Crystal for adding me to the group. This chapter isn't very long but anyway here is chapter 3, i hope you enjoy.

A few hours later, we were landing at the airport in London. When i got off the plane, I got my bags and then went through the gates and as I did I could see Uncle Paul standing there waiting for me. When we saw each other we both had a big smile on our face. We hadn't seen each other in months and we had really missed each other. As I got closer to him, I started running towards him and I ran into his arms and gave him the biggest hug ever. After a few seconds, we let go of each other.

''Hey Issy, How was your flight?'', he asked.

''It was okay thanks.'', I say. ''I've missed you so much Uncle Paul.'', I say.

''I've missed you too, Issy.'', he says. ''Now, shall we go home?'', he asks.

''Yes.'', I say as I smile at him.

Uncle Paul helps me get my bags and then we both walk towards his car and put my bags in the back. The drive to Uncle Paul's house was quiet and it wasn't far from the airport. When we get to his house, he helps me get my bags out of the car and as we start walking towards the door, I notice a woman standing at the door, that must be his wife or his daughter. When we get in the house, we put my bags by the door and Uncle Paul introduces me to his wife.

''Isabelle, this is my wife Amelia. Amelia this is my cousin Issabelle.'', he says.

''Hi Amelia.'', I say.

''Hi, Isabelle.'', She says.

Amelia helps me get my bags and she shows me to my room while Uncle Paul goes into the kitchen to do us a cup of tea.

''This is your room. We'll leave your bags in here until tomorrow and then I will help you unpack.'', she says.

''Thank you, Amelia.'', I say 

''You are very welcome.'', she says as she smiles at me.

Then we go down stairs and into the kitchen and drink our cup of tea. Then Amelia starts preparing dinner as i wash the cups. When it's done she places a bowl of salad on the table, along with a plate of wraps, a bowl of sliced chicken, three plates, a jug of water and three glasses.

''Thank you Amelia, this looks really nice.'', I say as Uncle Paul agrees with me.

''You're very welcome sweetie.'', Amelia says.

''How about we go into the living room and watch some movies after dinner before bed?'', Uncle Paul asks.

''Yes sounds good.'', Amelia says. ''What about you Issy?'', Amelia asks.

''Yes sounds good.'', I say.

After dinner, Amelia starts taking everything to the sink and starts washing them and them me and Uncle Paul go and help her by drying them and then putting them away. When that was done, we went into the living room and we chose where we wanted to sit and then we chose a movie to watch. After we watched a few movies, it was nearly 10:30.

''How about we go to bed now, we have a busy day tomorrow.'', Uncle Paul says.''We also have a surprise for you tomorrow Izzy.'', he says.

''Really, what is it?'', I ask.

''You will see tomorrow.'', Amelia says laughing.

When the TV is turned off, we all go upstairs to our bedroom. I go to the bathroom to wash my teeth and clean my teeth then I go to bed. I'm lying there for at least half an hour before i go to sleep because I am really excited for tomorrow.

Chapter 4 will be here soon. I will update as soon as I can.

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