Chapter 6 - First day at the hotel

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Hi guys, I hope you are enjoying this story so far. Thank you so much for reading my story.

When I get inside my room, I decide to text Jamie. I look for his number in my phone and then I message him.

'Hey Jamie. I just thought I would let you know we have arrived at the hotel. I will try and call you later or tomorrow.'

After i text Jamie, I take my bags into my bedroom and then do a glass of water. Then I decide to go to Harry's room. When I get there I see that all the boys are there. I go in and everyone says hello.

''Hey Isabelle.'', they each say.

''Hi guys.', I say.

I sit on the sofa next to them and we start talking about the fans. We talk about how they are the best people in the world and how they find out everything about them and how well they know them.

We talk for a while and after talking for an hour, we go down to the front desk. There are now more screaming fans than there was before. When we get down to the front desk, we can see that Uncle Paul and Amelia are sitting at the table waiting for us. We all get of the lift and walk up to Uncle Paul and Amelia with the security guards at the side of us. The boys are told they have time to go to the fans for a while. The boys start walking towards them with their security guards at their side and the screams are starting to get louder and they are trying to push the barrier down to get to them. Some of the security guards hold the barrier up and some of the security guards are at the side of them and behind them. They sign some things for the fans and then go to dinner After dinner we go back to our rooms because it was getting late. There are now only half of the fans there was before dinner. Before we go back to our rooms, the boys stop to take pictures with the fans.

When they are finished, we go to our rooms and I look through twitter. I notice I have some notifications. I look through them and as I notice that all of the boys have followed me, a big smile appears on my face. It was getting late so I got my pyjamas out of my suitcase and got changed then washed my make up off and got into bed. I decided to call Jamie because it wasn't to late so. I looked through my phone for his number in my phone and then called him.

''Hey Izzy.'', he answered.

''Hi Jamie.'', I say. ''How are you?'', I asked.

''I'm fine thanks.'', he said. ''How are you?'', he asked.

''I'm fine thanks.'', I say.

We spoke for a while longer and then said bye. When we said bye, I decided to text mom. I look through my phone for her number and then message her,

'Hey mom, just thought I would let you know that I am staying with Uncle Paul and Amelia in London for a while because Jamie has gone to dad's wedding. When I got here, Uncle Paul said he had a surprise for me. He surprised me with one direction and then he told me that he is one of their security guards and Amelia is their stylist, then they told me I am going on tour with them. We are coming to California soon so we will get to see each other and you can meet the boys. They are amazing people mom. Sorry i haven't called you because I didn't know what time it was there. Love you lots x'

After I texted her, I lay there for another 5 minutes and then I went to sleep.

Thank you so much for reading my story, i hope you have enjoyed reading it so far. Chapter 7 is coming soon.

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