Chapter 10 - Arriving at the airport in Brazil

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Hi guys, I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Thank you for reading.

After about 5 minutes, we were landing at the airport in Brazil. We all get off the plane and get our things and go through the airport. There are a lot of fans waiting for them. The boys sign some things for them and take pictures as we walk past the fans. Uncle Paul goes to get the car we are renting and meets us outside. We all go out to the car and start driving to the hotel. On our way to the hotel, the boys fell asleep. I decide to text Jamie the name of the hotel and the time to meet me there and then I fell asleep.

When I wake up, we are arriving at the hotel. We get our things and then go to the front desk to get our keys to our rooms. We take our things to our rooms and then we go downstairs for some dinner because it was getting late and the boys stop to sign some things for the fans.

After dinner, we go back to our rooms and Harry joins me in my room. About 30 minutes later, I get a text from Jamie.

''Was that him?'', Harry says.

''Yes, he said he's outside waiting for me.'', I say.

''Okay, I'll come with you. I'll ring our security to come with us.'', he says.

''Okay thank you.'', I say.

We wait for security to come to my room and then we go down to the front desk. There are still some fans outside and when they see us, they all start screaming. Harry signs some things for them and take some photos with them and then they start screaming for me. They want me to sign some things for them and some of them want me to take photos with them. Harry and security look at me and smile as though they are giving me consent to go to them. I sign some things for them and then take some photos with them which makes me really happy. They are getting to like me.

I turn around and I see Jamie standing there smiling me. After a few seconds, I turn to look at Harry and I see that he is already looking me.

''Is that him?'', Harry says.

''Yes.'', I say.

Then I start walking towards him and Harry and security follow behind me. I go to hug him but he refuses and I feel myself starting to tear up.

''Boooooo.'', I hear the fans shouting.

''Hug her you fool. She has missed you like hell.'', one of them shout.

I look back at them and then I turn back to look at Jamie and then I see that he is starting to cry. I hug him and this time he hugs me back and I can hear the fans screaming.

''I missed you, Jamie.'', I say.

''I missed you too, Izzy.'', Jamie says.

''Shall we go to your room, Izzy.'', Harry says.

''Who are you?'', Jamie says.

''Jamie, this is Harry. He's in One Direction with Niall. They're who I was telling you about and this is one of our security guards.'', I say. ''Lets go up to my room.''

We go up to my room and as we pass the fans they start screaming. When we get to my room, we say thank you to our security for coming with us and then we go inside.

''I'll leave you to it. Let me know if you need anything Izzy.'', Harry says.

''I will thank you Harry.'', I say.

Harry goes to his room so that me and Jamie can talk.

''So, what's been going on between you and Niall?'', Jamie asks.

''Nothing, we're just friends. They will all be coming to my room soon, so you can talk to them if you don't believe me.'', I say.

We talk for a while longer and then there is a knock on my door. I open the door and the boys are standing there. They come in and stand by the kitchen where I am and Jamie is sitting on the sofa.

''Izzy, is this Jamie?'', Louis asks.

''Yes.'', I say.

They all go to Jamie and say hi and introduce themselves.

''Isabelle has been talking about you a lot.'', Niall says.

''And she was really heartbroken when you said you didn't want to be with her anymore. She loves you like hell.'', Louis says.

At this moment, I'm still in the kitchen on my own and I can feel myself starting to cry. These boys have done a lot for me and I am so proud of them. I stand there listening for a while.

''Jamie, I wouldn't go out with Isabelle, even if I wanted to, because she is with you. She is a pretty girl, Jamie. You are lucky to have someone like her. Anyone would be lucky to have a girl like her.'', Niall says.

''I'm sorry, I didn't know what to believe. She has spoken about you guys so much at home, I should have known.'', Jamie  says.

Then I go into them and Jamie stands up and starts walking towards me. He hugs me and I hug him back and I start crying.

''I didn't think you were going to talk to me again. I love you Jamie.'', I say.

''I love you too.'', Jamie says.

''How about we have a group hug?'', Liam says.

''Yes, come on guys.'', Zayn says.

We all get together and have a group hug. I am so glad Jamie is starting to believe me now. I want him to understand that I would never cheat on him. Not now, not ever. I love him too much to do that to him.

''How about you stay with me tonight, Jamie.'', I say.

''Yes sounds good.'', Jamie says.

''We're going to go to bed now, we'll see you guys in the morning.'', Harry says.

''Okay, thank you for everything you guys have done for me. Good night boys.'', I say.

The boys go back to their rooms and I make us a cup of tea and then we sit on the sofa and watch a movie. After the movie, I take our cups into the kitchen and wash them and then we go into the bedroom. I get changed into my pyjamas and wash my makeup off. Then I get into bed and Jamie joins me after going to the bathroom. We lay there for about 10-15 minutes talking about what we have been doing and then we go to sleep.

Keep reading to see what happens next. Thank you for reading my story guys.

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