Chapter 12 - First Concert In Brazil

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Hi guys, thank you for reading my story. I hope you are enjoying it so far. Let me know what you think in the comments. Thank you for your patience guys, i have been busy with work and i haven't been able to update. I will try to update more often.

Thenext morning, I woke up and turned to Jamie's side of the bed and hewasn't there. I checked my phone and it was 7:30. I get out of bedand then go into the kitchen to find Jamie making a cup of tea.

''MorningBabe.'', Jamie says.

''MorningJamie.'', I say.

''Whyare you up so early.'', he says.

''Theboys have a concert today and I'm going with them.'', I say.

''OhOkay. Can I come?'', Jamie asks.

''Yes,I'll make sure with the boys when they come.'', I say.

''Okay,what time does the concert start?'', Jamie asks.

''9:30.The boys are coming to my room at 8:15.'', I say.

''Okay,we should go get ready.'', Jamie says.

Wego to the bedroom to get ready. I find a pair of white jeans, a plainwhite shirt a black on direction hoodie and a pair of black trainers.I have a shower and then check the time. By now it is 8:00. I getdressed and do my make up while Jamie has a shower. When Jamie isfinished getting ready the boys are already here. We go downstairswith security where Uncle Paul and Amelia are. When one of thesecurity guards turn the corner, the fans start screaming and thenthey see Harry and the screams get louder.

Theboys stop for a few minutes with the fans to sign some things andtake photos. When they are done, we go for breakfast and then we allgo to Zayn's room.

Wetalk for a few minutes and then security come to Zayn's room and sayit is time to go. On our way to the stadium, the boys are singingsome of their songs and then I join in with them. As we get closer tothe stadium, there are a lot of fans outside. There are some tentswhere people have stayed the night but there isn't as many as therewas in London. Most of them have signs and most of them are wearingone direction shirts, hoodies and some of them even have 1D writtenon their face.

Goinginto the stadium was the best part. They had everyone screaming forthem, we were surrounded by security and everyone was pushing to getto them. The boys couldn't stop to sign things for them because theyhad to be on stage soon. When we were inside, the security that wereat the doors started letting the fans in to find their seats.

Thestadium looked really big when we first went inside, but the nexttime I looked at the stadium, it looked smaller because it was fullof fans and there were a lot of security between the stage and thefans.

Assoon as we got to the stadium, the boys went to the dressing room toget ready and then they went to their stylist to finish gettingready. When they were finished getting ready, they had 10 minutesleft until show time. They went to sound check while the band startedgetting ready on stage and checked everything was working. When theboys were finished at sound check, they had 3 minutes left until showtime. We all gave them a hug and wished them good luck before theygot ready to go on stage. They went to the gate and waited for thevideo to finish before the doors open. When the video finishes, themusic to their first song starts playing as the doors start openingand then the screams get louder. When the doors are fully open, theboys start signing and then the screams start getting quieter and thesinging starts getting louder.

Whenthe boys finish their first two songs, they talk to the fans for afew minutes and then they sing their next song. After another hour,the boys finish their songs and then say bye to the fans. When theyare finished saying bye to the fans, they come off stage and give mea hug as the pass me. We all go into the dressing room where Ameliaand the boys stylists are.

''Youdid amazing, well done boys.'', I say.

''Thankyou Izzy.'', the boys each say as they give me a hug.

Wegather our things together and then go to the car so that we don'tget surrounded by big crowds. When we get outside there are alreadycrowds starting to form. The boys sign some things for the fans asthey pass and then we get into the car and go to the radio stationbecause the boys have a radio interview. When we get to the radiostation, there isn't many fans waiting outside. The boys sign somethings as we pass them and then we go inside. After about an hour theboys are finished. We go back to the hotel and we each go back to ourrooms. About half an hour late, there is a knock on my door. I openthe door and the boys are standing there.

''Heyboys, aren't you tired yet, you have had a busy schedule today?'', Isay as Jamie agrees.

''Yes,we came to say goodnight, it's getting late now.'', Louis says as theboys agree.

''goodnightIzzy'', they each say as they walk out and wait for each other.

''goodnightboys.'', I say as I give they each a hug before they walk out of myroom.

Whenthe boys go to their rooms I get changed and wash my face while Jamiegets changed. When we are both done, we get into bed and watch TV foran hour and then we cuddle up and go to sleep.

Thankyou so much for reading my story so far guys. I am sorry I haven'tbeen posting for a while, I have been busy with work. I will try topost more often.

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