the ride

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It was no luck Brad was no where to be found. Max and I had checked all around town. Going into any possible place, Brad was still no where to be found. Max could sense that my bravery was a coverup for fear. As he placed him hand on mine, I looked up at his forest green eyes. Mine began to water over the fact of not knowing what to do or if I'd ever see my friend again. Max quickly wiped my tears off my cold cheeks and told me that we were going to find him. Somehow in those short words Max had given me hope. Maybe we would find Brad, but where was he?
Max turned his double head lights on his truck and drove down the dark bumpy paved road. For a while all I saw was a never ending blackness. Only then to see a giant sign lit up by the head lights, saying Vermont. Vermont? Why were we in Vermont? Until I realized that Brad and Max's mom lived in Vermont. Brad and his mom were always close. Max on the other hand was cross with her. She always was running out on him and his father. It was as if she never really became a mom and was still living in her twenties. Max was only young for so long and when she finally wanted to let him in. He shut her out. I don't blame him, I met her and she was someone I would shut out too.

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