chapter 6

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Jade's POV

We entered the place of the buyer, and the buyer had different kinds of collections. "Okay. This is creepy and all." Rocket said.

"Tell me about it" i said.

"We have the galaxy's largest collection, of fona, ralex, and species of all manner" the pink girl said.

We walked past a dog that had an astronaut suit, and it growled at Rocket, but Rocket growled back.

"I present to you Taneleer Tivan. The Collecter." The pink girl said moving away so we can see the collector.

The Collector had white hair, and he was wearing sunglasses, but he took it off.

The collector walked up to Gamora and grabbed her hand to kiss it, like a gentleman would do. "Oh my Gamora. How wonderful to meet you in flesh." Collector said and kissed her hand.

"Let's bypass the formality, Tivan. We have what we discussed." Gamora said.

"What is that thing there?" The collector asked, and walked up to Groot.

"I'm Groot." Groot said.

"I never thought I'd meet a Groot. Sir? You must allow me to pay you now, so that i might only study you, but the moment of your death of course." Collector said.

"I am Groot"

"Why? So he can turn you into a freaking chair?" Rocket asked angrily.

"That's your pet?" The collector asked. Oh no!

"What?!" Rocket said and took out his gun. I put my hand on his gun and lowered it down, and he put his gun away.

"Tivan, we have been halfway around the galaxy, retrieving this orb." Gamora said.

"Very well then. Let us see what we brought." The Collector said. Quil took out the orb, but dropped it and picked it up quickly. We followed him to a table and watch him do something with the orb.

"Oh, my new friends. Before creation itself, there were six singularities." Collector said and holograms appeared in front of us, "then the universe exploded to existence, and the remnants of these systems were forge into concentrated ignance. Infinity stones. Theses stones, it seems, can only be blend-ish by beings with extraordinary strength. Observe."

We looked behind us and saw the hologram showed us a big being with a staff. The staff had a purple stone in it. The being slammed his staff on the ground, and showed that everything exploded, especially the people.

"These kadiyars can use the stone to mow down an entire civilisation like wheat in a field." The collector explained.

"There's a little peek coming out of me right now." Quil said.

"Once a group were able to share the energy among themselves, but even they were killed by it." The collector finished and the orb opened, showing a purple stone, "beautiful. Beyond compare."

"Blah. Blah. Blah. We're all very fascinated whitie, but we'd like to get paid." Rocket said.

We got up and followed The Collector. "How would you like to get paid?" The collector asked.

"What do you think? Units!" Rocket said.

"Very well then." The collector said and was about to open his cabinet, "Carina. Stand back." We looked behind us and saw the pink girl, but now i know her name, so Carina was very close to the stone.

"I will no longer be your slave!" Carina said and grabbed the stone. Everything exploded and there was purple mist everywhere.

I felt Groot's arm on my stomach. He was carrying me and he ran outside. He jumped and we made it out off there alive.
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