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I'm starting to think that the gods hate me or just using my life as entertainment for them. Instead of writing a very long ass run-on paragraph I'll put it in bullet points
I don't have bullet points so I'm using these arrows I found on my keyboard. Anyways.
》My bike was fully charged and before I got to work it dies. End result was peddling home. (See end of ch. 1).

》They think it's funny when my life is falling apart (a tiny bit overdramatic here but pop off I guess🤷🏻‍♀️).

》They are punishing me for something I have no fucking idea why.

》I blame them for minor inconveniences (again overdramatic)

》I name my animal's after them. (They might love that or hate it IDK)

》I cant think of anything else.

Goodbye I Guess

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