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Dear Reader,
First off Z*** is a fuckng loser because he cares more about himself than you. It seems like he doesn't love you he just loves the idea of you.
Every. Single. Time. I ask you where he is he is absent. Its not like he's actually there for you. Your parents seem to like him more than they like you. And you're their own. Fucking daughter. Your parents are a piece of shit because they neglect you until they bring their problems to you which you shouldn't even be brought in the middle of. Your dad is only good when he is not drinking alcohol. Which is a rare occasion. You never actually get comfort when you are by yourself. Which is all the time because once again, where the hell is Z***. So you are left alone with your thoughts with no one to share them with because everyone is gone somewhere. And they never include you in anything. They treat Z*** as if he's your brother and not your boyfriend. If only Don**** wasn't gay because he's more perfect for you than Z*** is (and way hotter too). I just think he's with you because its convenient for him. Because think about it: guaranteed house to live in, free range (can do whatever he wants) attentive parents (even if their not his own), and you. I just see a lot of red flags. Like if he really wanted to marry you why are you guys not married yet. Why have you been engaged for 2 years now. Like it seems to me he's not putting any effort in this relationship. Like in the years we've talked I've never heard about him bringing you on a fucking date. Refer yourself back to chapter 51 in my book where I talked about him last. I'm just tired of seeing you hurt all the time. You know I mean the best for you. 💜


- Your best friend til the end💜

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