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Johnny set up his bed next to mine. I was kind of hurting cause Pony didn't even say anything. He didn't even throw rocks at my window.

"Johnny, why don't we do something fun, let's be stupid teenagers"

"Two-bit will be mad though, he was already mad when we stayed out to long"

"It's fine, come on please"

"Alright fine, but I'm not getting involved with the cops or any stupid crap like that"

"I didn't intend on doing that, I was thinking we could go to the forest"

"At night?! Are you crazy?! Soc always go there to make out, if they catch greasers there, who knows what they'll do to us"

"Your probably right"

"Why don't we just stay here"

"Ok fine, but what are we gonna do cause I don't feel like going to bed"

Johnny sat on my bed, "I know we just started dating but I've never been able to do this" Johnny put my hair behind my ear, lightly touched my cheek, and pulled me in for a kiss. He let go immediately. "I'm really sorry" he apologized like he was terrified. "No it's ok" I smiled. I leaned in and kissed him again. I grabbed the back of his neck while he kissed back, my shattered heart began to fix. The simple kiss turned into a make out. I wish Pony could see me now.

Johnnys griped harder on my cheek, I was kind of scared Two-bit would walk in. I let go. "Hold on I'm gonna lock the door" his eyes widen "why?" He looked nervous.

"No no no (y/n)! I'm sixteen your fourteen we can't be doin that!"

"That's not why I locked the door!" I laughed I sat back on the bed and pulled him back in, once again we were making out. Damn it felt so good.

The make out lasted thirty minutes until Two-bit knocked on the door.

"Hey (y/n)? What's going on in there?"

"Nothing! Johnny and I were just playing cards!"

"Okay, I made some spaghetti if you want some"

"I'm good but thank you"

"Why is the door locked?"

"Uh I-I was showing Johnny a magic trick!"

"Okay goodnight"

"Night Two-bit!"

I turned off the lights, "is it hot in here or is it just me?" I open the window to let the breeze in. I saw Ponyboy through his window. He was sitting on his bed, but he was tearing up. I felt bad for him. Even after he kissed Cherry.

It was two in the morning. Johnny was sleeping. I put on my shirt and climbed out of my window using three blankets tied together.

Pony's window was cracked open. I opened it up and climbed through.

He was still awake reading "Gone With The Wind" he was still crying.

"You good Pony?" I didn't have to much sympathy for him. "Ya why" he rubbed his eyes to make it seem like he wasn't sobbing. "I'm not stupid, I know somethings bugging you" I snapped.

"Why do you care, your to busy hanging with Johnny, I saw you two kissing"

"I should be the one asking 'why do you care' I guess that kiss I gave you meant nothing"

"Why do say that"

"Jee I don't know, maybe cause you made out with Cherry at the game that you invited me to"

"You saw that?"

"How could I not, it was on a giant screen!"

"She pulled me in, it would be rude not to kiss back"

"Rude?! Are you serious!? Why couldn't you tell her that you already liked someone else?! That's what I had to do when Johnny kissed me for the first time!"

"You kissed Johnny before you ever kissed me?"

"Ya b-but it's not like I kissed back, I told him no"

"(y/n) I really do like you, I-"

"I don't want to here excuses, I'm with Johnny now, at least he is loyal"

Ponyboy pulled me up to him, he was grabbing my face forcing me into a kiss. I punched him in the stomach. "Get the hell off of me!" I yelled so loud I'm surprised Soda didn't hear me. "Pony you hurt me I'm done, I'm happy with Johnny" I said starting to cry. Pony was crying as well. "Please" he muttered. I climbed up my window and plopped on my bed crying. I had another panic attack. I couldn't breathe. Johnny woke up and hugged me real tight. "It's ok calm down" I hugged him back.

I started breathing. "Johnny promise me you won't break my heart" I said still in Johnnys arms. "Promise"

Johnny fell asleep in my bed with his arm wrapped around my waist.

Just saying she's not gonna be with Johnny the whole time eventually she will be with Pony, just a heads up, and thank you all so much for reading I really appreciate it :)

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