i. sand

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chapter one, sand

It was night when Lora woke up in the remains of the escape pod. The pod was tucked into the soft terrain of Tatooine, it had no visible damage except for some slight scorching on the sides from it entering the atmosphere so quickly.

The only source of light came from the moon reflecting off of the sandy surface of Tatooine. Her head throbbed, she quickly assumed that she must have hit against something during the rough landing. After all, the escape pod wasn't meant to fit more than two people at once and she was cramped in with the two droids the entire time.

Her mind was in a haze, still recovering from the impact of the brutal landing, but she knew that she had made it to Tatooine.

She could have celebrated—she was thankful she wasn't shot down in space and was ecstatic that Leia's plan had worked, but she then remembered the two droids that were with her...or at least they were supposed to be.

She jumped from her seat and turned to search the escape pod. Her stress multiplied as she realized the droids weren't there. She cursed herself in her head, she had just lost the one thing that could save the rebellion. She couldn't help but think that if Leia was the one to escape in the pods, that this would have never happened.

Lora opened the hatch door and peered out into the desolate sandy terrain of possibly the worst planet ever. Her eyes flickered around the surface, hoping to see something that would point her in the direction of the droids, but it was too dark.

She felt like she didn't have time to wait until it was sunlight, so she took the backpack of supplies from the ship and hiked in the direction she prayed the droids had taken. Any form of tracking them had been wiped away from the wind blowing the sand, so her only way was to follow her gut.

Common sense was one of the many things that Lora lacked and this would prove to be one of those moments she should have thought things through. Her gut was never a good source to rely on.

Her hand pulled the strap of the pack onto her shoulders, making sure that it was in a comfortable spot so she could travel without a distraction. Her head was on a constant swivel, at every slight sound she put her hand close to the blaster that was attached at her hip. She didn't feel like getting killed on the most boring planet in the galaxy, where no one would find her body.

As she trekked through miles of continuous sand, seemingly the only thing on the planet, she thought of her family. She hadn't seen her parents in years, it was too dangerous for her to contact them on Naboo. They were already being watched closely by the empire when she had left, she couldn't risk associating the Rebel Alliance with her parents as well.

Her family was an important part of political procedure on Naboo, that was until the Emperor had made the royalty on Naboo a pawn, instead of an actual leader. If things were different, she might have been raised to become a candidate for Queen or primed to become a senator. But the creation of the empire had changed everything.

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