v. first time?

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chapter five, first time?

     Only the great planet of Tatooine could manage to ruin one of the biggest universal delights. Just like it ruined a lot of other things that Lora once enjoyed. Sand and beaches would no longer be fun, but instead miserable. Fire was already ruined for her, but the sandbox of a planet made it even worse.

    All of the cantinas Lora had ever been in were extremely dirty, but the music and some company made them bearable and occasionally fun. Lora always enjoyed a fun night of drinking and dancing with her crew, of course only when her job allowed for it—which wasn't often enough.

    Most of the time, she was on duty when she visited one. Cantinas were normally the easiest place to exchange intel from rebel cells across the galaxy. They were bright, lively, and extremely low risk for the young girl to just sit at the bar and wait for a 'stranger' to buy her a drink.

    Before she became a commander, that was a common mission description. As soon as she got the chance to move past spying she ran and never looked back. Sneaking around was gritty and took too much out of a person. She was glad she transferred to the pilot division, it was a lot less taxing on her.

    This cantina was a definite exception to her earlier thought. It was dirty and had nice lively music, but everyone that occupied the small building were obviously either criminals or connected to some sort of crime. The lighting was extremely dim making her squint lightly to look around the room.

    Lora rotated her head, searching the room to the best of her ability, Luke was still rooted in the threshold of the door, taking care of the droids as Ben went off to find a pilot.

    She noticed a small group of civilians nestled in one of the lighter tables of the room but she could easily recognize the rest as bounty hunters and smugglers from their blasters and permanent scowls.

    She now took Ben's words to heart. This really was a wretched place of scum and villainy. She carefully glided through the crowded spaces, not wanting to start a fight with anyone.

   Her lips curled in disgust as she tried to ignore the rancid smells as she passed by. It smelt like a sickly mixture of alcohol and bantha fodder. It wasn't exactly the best combination.

    As soon as Luke sent the droids back outside, he followed after her. He wasn't as careful and harshly bumped into an Aqualish and a human with a scarred face.

   Luke didn't take much notice as they sharply glared at him, he softly apologized under his breath and hurried to catch up to Lora as she moved to stand at the bar.

    She strolled up to the counter, nonchalantly standing in the middle of the bar, in between two random people. The bar was the best lit part of the entire cantina, she could easily recognize all of the different drinks that they had on the shelves. She noticed the bartender standing behind the bar, watching as he rushed to make drinks for the other bar-goers.

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