ix. reunion

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chapter nine, reunion

The steel blue interior of the Death Star was almost entrancing...almost. Although it was a true sight to behold, a magnificent show of the greatest minds of the galaxy, Lora couldn't help but feel disgusted. Disgusted by the machines that powered the death of billions, disgusted by the people who craved power more than they cared about life. It was absolutely sickening.

Lora strolled beside Han and Ben as they made their way toward the nearest command room. Han donned one of the stormtrooper uniforms, and as they walked he muttered under his breath, swearing at the suit he wore. Lora imagined that he felt very uncomfortable in the uniform that clung to his tall form. She was glad she didn't have to wear one, she would rather turn herself in then wear one of the terrible uniforms.

Luke had stayed behind on the Falcon to help their ruse, he would get the officers to let their guards down and then the others would attack. The large metal door slid open with a release of air to reveal two guards, both with looks of extreme shock as Chewbacca roared menacingly at them. Lora winced slightly as the large Wookiee easily hit the first guard, knocking him into a bunch of barrels. She wouldn't be angering the Wookiee anytime soon, that was for certain.

The second guard rose to signal for help but was quickly shot down by Han. The group moved to the inside of the command room, Ben moved directly in front of the computer and Lora moved to stand beside him. Lora watched as Han removed his helmet and looked out into the hangar, reaffirming that no one had realized that they were on board.

The main door made a loud airy sound as Luke closed it behind him. Luke seemed awkward in the suit, it was too big for him, it was almost like he was a child attempting to be a stormtrooper. Lora found it odd that the two wore the uniforms of the people she despised the most, it reminded her of the unorthodox mission that they were on. The last few days had been the wildest of her life, never before had she been so unorganized or unprepared.

The blond-haired boy took off his helmet and angrily shouted at Han, "You know, between his howling and your blasting everything in sight, it's a wonder the whole station doesn't know we're here." Luke's words made Lora think back to her thoughts on the Falcon, she was very correct to assume that Han would just recklessly go through the mission, but so far it hadn't caused a problem, so she just ignored it. Han was a nuisance, but she could deal with him if it meant they would get out alive. If she didn't have a conscience, she would have just left him on the ship.

Han moved in front of Lora, momentarily restricting her view of Luke as he played with his disheveled hair. Han taunted Luke, he seemed to enjoy making people angry, or at least to Lora, it seemed that way. "Bring them on! I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around."

She tilted her head, slightly agreeing and partially amused at Luke's anger, it was interesting to see him act irate instead of the clueless and innocent boy she had met on Tatooine. Lora hummed slightly, pointing to Han, "And that's why we should have left you on the Falcon."

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