Chapter 3: Hello Brocko!

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While on the way to Pewter to see Brock and his fiancé, Lily, Ash stopped at a key spot in his travels. The river bank where he met Misty.

"I remember it like it was yesterday." Ash stated to Pikachu.

"Pikachupi Pika pik chu." (Misty saved us that day.)

"You got that right. If she wouldn't have fished us out of that river we would have most likely drowned. Or worse, we would have survived and lived our lives without Misty."

These words startled Pikachu. 'Did he just say he would have rather died then not have met Misty?' Pikachu asked himself in his head.

He was just about to ask Ash about this when all of a sudden he took a small piece of fabric out of his bag. When he unraveled the fabric it contained a small fishing lure.

"Pikachu pika pi chu pi?" (Are those what I think they are?)

"Yeah. These are both the handkerchief and fishing lure Misty gave me before we split up." Tears began to build up in his eyes.

Pikachu was shocked that he still had these items from so far in the past, but before he could ask any questions Ash stood up and started to walk towards Pewter more determined to get there than ever.

1 and a Half Hours Later

Ash was standing outside the Pewter City Gym staring at the doorway, both excited and afraid to go in.

"What if he hates me Pikachu?" A frown shot across Ash's face.

"Pik pik pika chu chu pikachu pi pi pikachu?" (If he hated you then why would he ask you to be his best man?)

Ash looked back at the double doors. He was about to go in until he looked over and saw the doorbell to his right. This gave him an idea and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Hey Pikachu. Follow my lead." Ash said chuckling to himself.

Brock POV:

"Hey honey, watcha doin?" I questioned my fiancé in a loving way before wrapping my arms around her waste, while she cooked breakfast.

"Just cooking my soon-to-be-husband some scrambled eggs." Lily said in a sensual voice.

"Well ain't that nice. What's the occasion?"

"I didn't know there had to be a special occasion for me to make my fiancé breakfast." She then turned toward me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Well you don't. But we can always make it special." I said in my sexy voice.

"Hahaha." She giggles. "I don't know about you, but I like the sound of that."

I pulled her into a kiss. It was one of the most passionate kisses we've had in a while. I then start to make my way down to her neck. Just when I was about to make my next move...

"DING DONG!" The doorbell rang

"Come on! Can't I ever get a break?" I exclaim. Lily just giggles and turns back around to focus on breakfast.

"Duty calls." I start towards the door to initiate the first gym battle of the day, but right before I could turn around Lily grabbed me the collar and pulled me in close.

"Okay baby. Hey maybe you can close the gym early tonight and I can let you have that break you want so badly." Lily said in a seductive voice.

"That's a deal." I brought her in for one last kiss. "How did I ever get so lucky to have someone like you in my life."

"Well your rugged good looks and perfect personality are two key factors there." She said, while bringing me into a hug.

"DING DONG!" The doorbell rang again.

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